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Just.... wow (first light)

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Ok, so I've been out tonight (with all the bits!) and all I can say is WOW!

Targets done;

Jupiter- 3 moons +some banding

Coathanger cluster

"Double" at the bottom of Cygnus

Another double in the area

North American??? (I don't think very likely, but looked similar to how I remembered it starwise. Optimism FTW)

Three satellite passes

Rubbish transparency (high light clouds) and neighbour with bright lights on (but I think it's the sort of problem where a quick chat and phonecall will sort it). Utterly humbling and amazing experience.

First item on the list- LOWER power eyepiece, if I can find one (got 25 and 12mm atm) to get a better FOV on the clusters. :rolleyes:

Oh, and the scope kicks some serious butt!

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Keep rambling mate you reminded me of the first night with my 8" newt, I got that same wow with Jupiter and the double cluster below Cassiopeia. Then like you started looking for a 32mm EP which I now have and a few others. Don't worry the wow moments keep going and the more time you get to spend at the EP the better the views get. :rolleyes:

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Excellent first night of views by the sound of it. I went the same way as you too. Moved from 25mm to a wider angle 2" 32mm and the difference was significant, especially for clusters like you say. I think 32mm was designed for the double cluster in Perseus! :rolleyes:

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I couldn't agree more on the high quality low power EPs.

Although I'm fairly unexperient I learned, through trial, error and some cash thrown at it, I need only 2 quality EPs for DSOs. One around the 30mm and other around the 15mm. I'm gonna start saving up for a 31mm Nagler and a 13mm Ethos or a similar (cheaper) Nagler/Pentax with less FOV but good quality.

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Great report, theres nothing better than a really enthusiastic first light report :rolleyes:. The double at the bottom of Cygnus you were viewing is Albireo. Its mentioned an awful lot (saying its the most beautiful double is almost a cliche in these parts... but cliche's are there for a good reason I say!). I also agree with the wide field ep, i too got a 32mm 2" eyepiece for my 10" dob. I can just about fit all of M45 in by FOV now lol.

Here's to many more enthusiastic reports! :)

Clear skies


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