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Astronaut Visit

Phil Fargaze

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A nearby college has invited a well known Apollo astronaut to do an I.T. presentation for them and then will reflect on his Apollo adventures. It`s free and it is open to business leaders and there are spare tickets :rolleyes:

I,m not a business leader, but have I got the front to pose as an M.D. of some fictional company just to go. I could well be in out of my depth and my alias could be exposed. Just what should I do.........

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Don't tell them you invented Post-it notes!

Just pretend you run some Astronomy related company. Make up a good name (First Light Optics sounds good) and wing it. Then go all open mouthed and tongue tied when you ask for an autograph (and get one for me to - To my best buddy Hugh, you taught me everyting I know, Peace and luv, Neil - that should do!)

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Just got back from Charlie Duke`s presentation :headbang: Very good, he is an excellent speaker. We had a good hour of moon talk and only 20 mins of business talk at the end, so it was really worth while going. I was just about to shake his hand at the end (with pen at the ready) but they ushered him off! I think he would have stayed there much longer to chat and meet but never mind. Having a first hand account from a man that has been to the moon was just amazing.

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