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Pine View Observatory


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Ive been very quite as of late on the imagng front but very busy with DIY. Last year I took the decision that I needed an observatory, this was mainly due to the purchase of a new camera and kit which took over an hour to set up from the tripod hitting the paito to catching the first subs, It got to the point where if weather was not perfect then I would not bother setting up, I missed out on a quite a few clear nights and imaged very little.

I started planning the build last Nov, reading up on as much as I could and picking a few brains on the forums I decided on an 8 x 7 Rool off roof jobbie which would accomodate me and my kit with plenty of room. Having looked at the cheepo sheds in B&Q and the like I decided I wanted to make my own from scratch, something a bit more substancial.

Later than planned I started digging a hold in the garden in May and in June with assistance I had a pier, the foundations took no time at all and the frames a couple of weekends, The following weekend again with assistance the frames were erected and covered in OSB, from there it took me right up till Oct to finish ( or nearly finish ) the build. At last however I have a fully working observatory, nothing fancy but it does the job. Someone said to me you never really finish building an observatory and I quite believe it, I still have a load of little jobs and modifications to make but for now it will do.

I got first light on the day I finished it and that was the last clear night the 11th Oct. Ive recently purchased a new scope a Orion CT10 which will replace the refractor in the spring for some longer focal lenght imaging -

Ive attached some images, I seem to have misplaced the bulk of the build but nevermind.

Anyway a few thank you's..

David Arditti - many thanks for the tube, sorry it didnt turn into a great telescope but it made a fantastic pier.

Jamie Mcburnie - Thanks for all your help mate with handmixing 1 ton of concrete and helping me get the frames up.

any finally to all that answered my questions on ths forum, many thanks....






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