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pelican final edit - monitor check


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Giving up with this now. Have combined 2 images but it's really difficult to mosaic when you have a load of amp glow (despite using amp off). On a well adjusted monitor you can see the bill pointing down and to to the R. On my desktop the bill is a stumpy little thing with a blob on the end.

Not doing any more large dim nebulae until I get a decent ccd camera!


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Like that one. Focus is good and like the diffraction spike - is that generated by the scope or have you popped a bit of something over the end of the scope to make it yourself?


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Jeez yer too fussy mate thats a great image IMHO.

Thanks Jamie - you should have seen the 4 frame mosaic - like a 1960s tie pattern :)

Anthony, the diffraction spikes are added in during the processing using some automated actions produced by a chap called Noel Carboni. His pack includes some incredible tools for reducing noise, enhancing contrast, reducing bloated stars and lots more. Everyone uses them - highly recommended. I generally don't like the spikes but think they work well on images that don't have a definite focal point

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I agree, it does add a bit more interest. Your spikes look a bit "more real" than software generated spikes that I have seen though.

I hear that Noel's Action do whole lot more than just the spikes. When I get paypal, ithe actions will be one of the first acquisitions.


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Hi Martin, thats a good improvement mate , but like you said it is hard to get these faint large nebs with the 2hs. although i did manage after a long process , i did find however that that colour did not bring as much detail out as b/w did , this did not apply to all faint neb , some responded very well to colour ,you are right of course the true CCD and longer exposure is the best way foward with these little devils.


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Thanks Rog, did the Ha colour since the amount of histogram stretching needed does give a bit of a noisy image. I think this is less noticeable with the red and, of course, it is actually red!

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