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good night forecasts?

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Where should I look for good night forecasts? Ideally something that is reasonably local so that I don't have to second guess it either. Also, how accurate can I expect them to be?

I would look out of the window..

It is the ONLY accurate way.


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BBC web site and metoffice and metcheck. BBC may be a redirection to the metoffice. But they can only be general and general will mean an area of say 40-50 miles and they are all open to interpretation.

Metcheck will give a cloud cover prediction of 70%, but what does 70% mean? Covered for 70% of the night and clear for the other 30%, or cloud covering 70% of the sky and clear patches in 30%.:)

If the latter is you location one of the 70% or 30%.;):confused:

The window however is pretty good, and local.:):D:D

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Met office says rain - you will get rain, met office says clear/sunny - you will get rain.....moral of this is do NOT look at Met office forecasts.

Best ignore mess office, BBC, use SAT24 and watch the cloud movements, for longer term forecasts use mess office charts and make your own predictions.

Failing that you could make an offering to the storm gods, cheque payable to CASH send to.........oh blast there is a postal strike!

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