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Very short observing session


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Just a quick one. Went out again last night because it was clear and it seemed rude not to. Didn't have much time for one reason and another so put the scope up and let it cool for a grand total of ten minutes. Then found Andromeda, Perseus Double Cluster, Bode Galaxy, Cigar Galaxy and Ring Nebula before heading back indoors twenty minutes later. Partly because I had other things that needed doing, and partly because I was in bare feet and wearing a t-shirt and it was 4 celcius. Brrr. Who needs GoTo when you are motivated by frostbite.

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I concur, it seemed rude to ignore the clear sky last night, didn't it? :D

I was round a relative's house last night who was staying in a holiday cottage on the side hill of a wooded valley - I showed him M57, M27, Double cluster, M31 and the Veil. I swear the surrounding trees were emitting vapour, creating bad seeing right near to the Zenith. Plus the fact the scope was on a wooden sprung balcony! Everyone had to stand very still, LOL......

Think you deserve a medal for bearing the cold in little attire. Bet that's due to a nagging aunt telling you to wear that awful parka you had in the 1970's...:):D:D

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I managed 2 hours before the moon and moisture drove me indoors.

M13, M103, M57, a while to find M92 - I'd been looking too far left for ages- Doh! M56, another long time to find M27 - I wasn't looking far enough left - Double Doh! But I can find it now, and I really NEED that OIII filter (hope Santa's reading this - I've been a good girl, honest) Tried to bag a new Messier in M71 - I think I found it, but the moon was so bright it was not terribly convincing, so I'm going to save claiming that one for another night. On to M31 - nowhere near as impressive as I know it to be, M32 - barely noticeable with averted vision and M110 was nowhere to been seen, so I gave up.

I was testing out my latest acquisition - an observing coat I picked up at the charity shop for £9.50. It is long and black, padded with a shawl collar for if it's windy - top banana - bargain :)

But it was fun while it lasted, with the added benefit of an earlyish night :D

Glad to hear you guys got out there too.


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Sounds like we all did well :D

Doc, I haven't seen M27 yet but it is on my list.

Sam, I never had a parka but I don't seem to feel the cold in early winter, I'm like a human storage heater. By December I'll be wearing all my clothes.

albedo0.39, the Cigar was quite faint this time. Have seen it much better, but the moon was just above the horizon.

Steph, how dark are your skies when the moon isn't spoilling things?

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Sounds like we all did well :(

Steph, how dark are your skies when the moon isn't spoilling things?

We can see a lot of the milky way with the naked eye - my next job is to count the stars visible in the square of Pegasus, but I would need to stay up later than I can manage to do that at the moment. :D

There is some light pollution at the front of the house from street lights, but they go off at 2am. Can't wait till the clocks change as this will make it 1am. :)

The back is pretty dark (neighbour's house lights permitting) although there is distant light pollution on the horizon from the city of Bath to the west and Westbury trading estate to the north east. :hello2:

My main problem with viewing at the back is our yard is tiny, so I'm contending with fences, trees and extensions. Carl is often surprised when I get him to look at something I've found, as it looks like my scope is pointing right at a fence or a wall. M13 was a case in point last night - he wouldn't have it that I could see anything at all - until he looked and saw M13 in the EP :)


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