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Lunar south pole mosaic @ full moon


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Hi all.

I shot the data for this mosaic on the 05/09/09, the seeing was not great and after shooting the moon again under better conditions and at a higher resolution a few days later I never got around to processing it.

The data was taken with my DMK21 through my 10" newt and skywatcher 2x barlow ( extended with the inclusion of a filter wheel between the cam and barlow) and red filter.

The best 500 odd from each of the 30 (2800 frame) AVI's where stacked in registax 5

and put together with Imerge.

I also have data of a run around the bottom edge of the moon at a higher resolution ( EP projection with a 10mm EP) from the same night still to process.

The image posted is 50% of full size.

the full size image is Here


All the best.


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Great scale which shows the size of the moons South Pole fully. Your mosaics of late have been excellent inspiring me to have a go but with my bigger scope it may take a lifetime of processing. The full size image is the only way to view - superb!


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Thanks guys, to inspire is the biggest complement I could hope for.

Your mosaics of late have been excellent inspiring me to have a go but with my bigger scope it may take a lifetime of processing.


Not a problem, you get plenty of cloudy nights to process the data,:)

the biggest mosaic I have done to date was 170 frame mosaic but that was with my old toucam pro II, go for it.:D


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