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Got a set of EP's im happy with, good scope and various bits and bobs, now im looking to buy some filters.........but where do i start?

I only do visual astronomy can you recommond some good quality ones to start of with, and which ones would you get first.


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i bought a variable density polarization filter, for the moon, jupiter, etc.

then i bought a UHC filter for DSO.

i have now ordered a Olll also.

and a semi-apo for my achromat.

and i have a standard set of colored ones that came with a set of eyepieces.

the one i would have bought first, is the variable polarisation filter.


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I've found the Baader UHC-S, the Orion Ultrablock and my current Astronomik OIII excellent deep sky filters that really make an impact on nebulae.

I've tried a few coloured filters for planetary observing but never taken to them for some reason .....


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I've found the Baader UHC-S, the Orion Ultrablock and my current Astronomik OIII excellent deep sky filters that really make an impact on nebulae.

I've tried a few coloured filters for planetary observing but never taken to them for some reason .....


What filters would you suggest for planetary (jupiter, saturn) and galaxy viewings?

Baader UHC-S, is it just for nebulae?

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What filters would you suggest for planetary (jupiter, saturn) and galaxy viewings?

Baader UHC-S, is it just for nebulae?

I've not found any filter that really makes a difference with galaxies. Dark skies work best !.

The UHC-S is for enhancing the contrast of nebulae in smaller aperture scopes (< 6"-8").


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I've not found any filter that really makes a difference with galaxies. Dark skies work best !.

The UHC-S is for enhancing the contrast of nebulae in smaller aperture scopes (< 6"-8").


I was looking to buy Baader UV/IR cut filter. I was told that it is for imaging and good for planetary and DSO objects. Which one is a must Baader UHC-S or UV/IR cut?

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Steve - I;d take a look through someone elses first.

Also make a priority list based on both cost and what you look at.

Colored filters can be quite cheap 2nd hand and come up quite often.

I have coloured filters which I almost never use as most of my time goes on DSOs when I am out and observing. I think you had a peek at Salisbury through my OIII and UHC filters when looking at the Dumbell. The OIII and UHC only work on certain nebula and if I had to buy one I'd buy the UHC as its not quite so aggressive as the OIII. Generally UHC and OIIIs work best in bigger scopes and I suspect even my 8" doesnt have the clout to get the best from the OIII.

Apart from that the only filter I use is a moonfilter and occasionaly a sky-glow/LPR filter which sometimes gives some faint DSOs a little lift even in dark sky sites.

If your going the colured filter route I'd get just a few to start with and see how you get on. I find that the deeper colors although, according to the book, "bring out the Martian mara" blah blah in fact seldom really seem to do much except make the view go fuzzy :D

Probably on Mount Plaomar they might well bring out cloudbelts on Jupiter, polar caps on Mars, cloud patterns on Venus etc but on a small scope I find them relatively ineffective at best. Thats why I'd say get a look through someone elses before you make a decision.

Also if your buy DSO type filters spend the extra and get 2" size because as your EPs grown you'll find you need them. I only have 1.25" color filters because usually I'd be using a small EP for planets. Even then if I was going to buy again I'd get 2" as that way you can shove them in a 2-1.25 adapter and then change EPs without having to mess about with the filters for each one.

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Hi Mel, cheers for info, yeah i had a peek through your scope with the OIII was good but it took a bit of eye training if that makes sense :D I think one of my 1st few will be a LP one and UHC. just working ut wick LP one i want know! Looking at the Orion ones.

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