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Good Targets to Head for this month....

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Everyone has different tastes, and I've only had my scope for a week, so I'm still developing mine.

I like to keep tabs on Jupiter (saw Io's shadow last Saturday), and the night of September 27/28, interesting stuff is going to happen. Europa is going to occult Ganymede, and Europa's shadow shadow will be on Jupiter. I have two sources, and they seem to give different times for the events. I'll try and sort this out and post again.

I also really like open clusters, including the Double Cluster, M52, and NGC 7789.

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The targets CaptPaul has suggested are all visible M13 will be heading towards the Western horizon so catch that one early, M45 will be rising in the East later on into the night. M27 M57 and Albireo can be found within the Summer Triangle and M31 is a lovely sight with any size telescope :o

Make sure you get the mag I suggested, you'll find loads of targets to keep you busy in there. Give the double cluster in Perseus a go too

Good luck :)

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I think my dad has a planisphere somewhere will have to go to the rents and pinch it! lol

its not looking too bad theres abit of cloudy but its been like that for few days but seems to clear everytime i give up and go to bed!

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