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Filters for LP


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Just wondering what filter would be best to cut out light pollution and enhance objects when imaging through my 300D and nexstar?

Found this... Skywatcher filter

Am I right in thinking it comes with a filter for the camera and one for the EP??

Or do I need to spend serious cash and go for something like this?



PS. Here is a image straight from the camera where you can see the LP


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Gavin I've been using the skywatcher filter as it's very cheap and it's quite effective, so is a good place to start if you're on a budget. If not then look at the Astronomik CLS (either as appropriate for your fittings or as the eos clip filter, sits inside the camera body) or the IDAS filter I've heard is very good.

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Filters are either 1.25" or 2", and where you can use them depends on your system. 1.25" filters can screw into the bottom of barlows and most eyepieces, but filters in an imaging train can go in a number of locations depending on how you attach your camera to your scope.

The Baader UV/IR cut is not a light pollution filter, it only cuts out the UV and IR wavelengths. Nor is that expensive for a 2" filter. Like all other astro related things, you can spend a little or a lot on something. A 2" Hutech IDAS or Astronomik CLS light pollution filter is a very serious price, but they do the job required.

Best wait for a reply about how effective the skywatcher LP filter is, as I have no experience of it myself.

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An OIII filter will only transmit the light produced by Oxygen 3 atoms (or it that Ions?) i.e. a very specific wavelength. A LP pollution filter will remove most of the light pollution from streetlights etc. i.e. It will transmit everything BUT light pollution.

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Hi Gavin,

I use the 2" Skywatcher filter screwed into the front of my coma corrector for the Newt or the Fieldflattener if I am imaging with my Refractor. IMO it works very well for the dosh, holding it up to street lamps you can clearly see the filtering effect but looking say at the TV through it the colours look virtually normal just a wee bit darker.


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