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M31 re-edit


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Whilst waiting for the Moon to wane I decided to have another bash at processing my M31 Data from the ground up. I restacked 4 hours and 20 minutes worth of 5 minute subs and finished it up with Pix-Insight version 1.5 (DBE, HDR and ACNR tools) and Photoshop. After going through several loops here's Andromeda in all it's glory.

Im looking forward to getting more data this season to smooth out the dim outer areas.


previous edit below


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That's an epic piccie Kevin..I'll bet you are very pleased. Do you think there a lot left to add to make it "fisnished ?"

I want to get the outer areas smoother so it looks better blown up :D

OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pretty

Did you try the dark strut enhance in the script of Pixinsight


No I used Noel Carbonis Local Contrast Enhancement Action. Is the dark strut enhance feature in the tools or is it a script I need to download and run?



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The data is great Kevin and I loved your previous version but to my eyes this one just looks pushed a bit too far. The dust lanes look as if they have had a fair bit of sharpening and don't really have that dirty dusty look any more. This is nit picking of the highest order Kevin because it is obviously a fantastic image.

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The data is great Kevin and I loved your previous version but to my eyes this one just looks pushed a bit too far. The dust lanes look as if they have had a fair bit of sharpening and don't really have that dirty dusty look any more. This is nit picking of the highest order Kevin because it is obviously a fantastic image.

I have included the old posts picture at the start of the thread

I think somewhere in between maybe, one to revist with more data so that it doesn't look to pushed :D



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