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BIG Dobsonians?

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Always looking Gaz :)

I was observing with Greg the other night and dug my 10" Dob out of the garage (I have been sidetracked with smaller, more portable scopes recently). Had a fantastic session observing the usual targets for the time of year: Ring and Dumbbell nebulas, Alberio, M56 and M13 globulars and M51 galaxy.

I had forgotten how good a large aperture Dob is on objects like these and got to thinking....

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What do you call a "big Dob"? How big are you looking Steve?

I know what you mean about the 10" Newt. When I've used my other scopes for a while, I'm always gobsmacked when I go back to the Newt. I used to have a 12" Dob, that did seem like a massive step up from anything else I had (inc the 10")

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I bought it cheap as a project (ie never got around to it), it was pretty decrepid when I got it (the tube, notthe optics) so I got a couple of years use out of it and stripped it down witn the intention of sorting it out at a later date. I've still got the mirrors and a tube at a guys garage in Oswestry...long story... :)

If I got a decent sized Dob again, the first thing I'd do woould be to buy a shed to keep it in and an easy way to move the scope to where I wanted to observe (a barrow or tracks). Those were the two biggest things that stopped me using the scope more than I did.

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I've still got the mirrors and a tube at a guys garage in Oswestry...long story... :)

Sounds like the beginnings of an interesting project :)

The Norman Lockyer Observatory (Sidmouth) are currently installing a 20" Dobsonian - looking forward to trying it out 8)

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