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Not a happy bunny

mark RD

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Just spotted some street lights being put up in the little green at the back of my house, so that is the end of my dark patch in the garden. They have not been switched on yet so I have no idea what type of light is being used, They seem to be the tall type of light, So they should do a good job of polluting the sky whatever type they are.

A very Beeped off RD

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It looks like a new white magnesium light. Wide band. Hard to filter out, however they dont shine above the horizontal though so your actual sky will be ok. You'll only have problems if you have direct line of sight. If you phone the council and complain they will come and paint half of it black or stick duct tape over it. They have to by law. In the short term if you have a laser pointer WH informs me that if you shoot the light sensor on the top of the lamp it thinks it's dawn and goes off... A more powerful laser is a more permanent measure.

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Hitting the sensor with a laser of at least 500mw output brings me about 8 minutes of relief, which is long enough to look at most objects the light is interfering with. Unfortunately, as the light comes back on you have to wait until it reaches maximum brightness before you can squelch it again. I'm thinking of making a bracket which will hold the laser on target for me, then I can see if I can keep the light out for a while by keeping the laser going, or at least not have to compromise my night vision by aiming at the light again. My iwfe is genuinely afraid I might get myself arrested if my activities come to the attention of the local constabulary, but I live on such a quiet suburban street that I don't think even the residents notice. There are about three cars an hour at night, and almost no pedestrians or bicyclists. The lilght at the corner has been out for over a year, and noone has come to fix it.

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Doesn't look like the usual sodium vapour lamp.

Unfortunately it looks more like a mercury discharge lamp, which is a brighter, whiter light.

The light is more focused than the sodium which is one consolation. Shouldn't give as much sky glare.

The laser seems a good bet - might get one for my local (sodium) streetlight!


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You seem to be thinking of the Excited State of America. There are relatively few guns in Canada, and even burglars don't often carry them, although that is beginning to change. That being said, if I had a rifle, it would be a .270 Winchester, but that would leave shards of glass three blocks away.

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