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Danse of the Jupiter moons


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Hello every body,

Before yesterday, I have try to make a movie of Jupiter but it is not very nice. :grin:

Next time, I will autoguide on start and after that, the image could be stable ! Also, I will try to do better my processing but I just will show you this film. :)

It is not perfect but Jupiter is correct.



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I can see the rotation easily and the dance is not too wild - a good effort but you need to align on planet so Jupiter is centred on all images so animation is stable. JohnH.

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Nice shots, and animation

I use "Jasc - Animation shop 3" to align things

It does a fair job. It's not that intuitive to use though

Here is one I did earlier this year. It's not perfectly aligned but I was tired, a bit sick with a cold, it was late at night and I just wanted to get finished:)


I reckon with the detail you are capturing you could produce a real winner. My shots were 30 sec avi's, at 5 min intervals, for about 4hrs 20min.

I found that my timing was a bit rough and I think 3 min would have been better, and next time I will use on screen cross hairs to keep the target centred for each shot.

As you would know it's a big undertaking to process something like this but I think the results are worth it. I hope you do more:headbang:

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