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Saturn Again..


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Well my new Saben eyepiece came today, along with my Celestron X2 barlow, so I wanted to test it out again!!

So as it is quite cloudy (and misty) I decided to just point the scope out my opened bedroom window.

I managed to see a slightly fuzzy (couldn't get a good focus) Saturn, but with the 6.5mm eyepiece used with the barlow, I could see the devision quite well and a moon or two!

Just wish the high cirrus would sod off so I could really see how much better the new EP's are..


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Sometimes i have found that viewing through thin layers(Very thin) of clouds can help with the planets because they act like filters, as others have said you wont get decent views outta ya window :D. Imaging through clouds though is another matter :D :D


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Sometimes i have found that viewing through thin layers(Very thin) of clouds can help with the planets because they act like filters...

I have noticed that. I put it down to the way it reduces brightness/contrast.

(Currently experimenting with a variable polarizer to finely adjust an objects brightness).

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I think it's because fine cloud often goes with stable air - don't know whether it is cause or effect. Good seeing and good transparency are completely different. Seeing can be awful on some crystal clear nights.

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Cirrus is made of ice rather than water thugh, it bends light worse than water does..

I'll try again when I can, were currently having a thunderstorm, so I'm happy either way :D


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