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At last!! I got to use my Mak127!!!

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Finally got to use my new Mak the night before last. Conditions were far from ideal, the near-full Moon was shining (ok, reflecting!) directly onto my decking and there was a lot of that fine wispy cloud (anyone good with cloud names?) about.

The choice of decent targets was pretty limited so I mainly just pottered around until Mars came up. Set the Mak on a CG5 (EQ5) alond side my 10" Newt on the EQ6, the only "easy" objects that were high enough and in the right direction were the Ring, the Dumbell and M13.

All those objects take high mags pretty well and i had both the Newt and the Mak up around X150, I knew what the Newt could do but the Mak was very impressive even with a 9mm at x166, not as much subtle detail on M57 that you can tease on with averted vision on the Newt and the stars in M13 were not resolved to the core (to my eyes, mayle the moon/cloud interferred).

By now Mars was clearing my fence panels so I swapped the Newt for my 127mm refractor, the detail in the refractor was a lot clearer than the Mak at the same mags but that is to be expected given the clear aperture of the scope. Still, the Mak did not disgrace itself and some of he 'problem' may have been stray light from the Moon hitting the corrector plate (I have no dew shield at the moment).

Two thinks I've learnt far are:

1) far from being just the compact planetary scope that I bought it for, the Mak is a good arounder too if my limited exerience of it is anything to go by.

2) Since I've had my driven EQ6 I can no longer be bothered with undriven mounts, I need to get motors for my CG5 ASAP, it's so much easier to relax and take in detail when you hav't got to use the slo-mo controls as well.

All in all very pleased, once I've got the dew shield (anyone know of a place I can get one? Will a Meade ETX fit?) and a RA motor, the CG5 and Mak are going to make a great little setup!!

Cheers russ.

BTW I have a cheap set of Tal planetary flilters, anyone anything similar I'd recommened you try out the yellow (sorry no Wratten number), it really brought out the detail on Mars, the dark patches were darker and the polar ice cap was more pronounced.

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Nice Report/Review Gaz!

Sounds like the Mak is useful for both the planet's and brighter Dso's cant say as i have tried any colour filters in the past but i shall try with you reccomendations.

Drive's are just the iceing on the cake for you setup i agree once you have drives for an eq mount you dont wont to be without them on another mount..


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Nice Report/Review Gaz!

Sounds like the Mak is useful for both the planet's and brighter Dso's cant say as i have tried any colour filters in the past but i shall try with you reccomendations.

Drive's are just the iceing on the cake for you setup i agree once you have drives for an eq mount you dont wont to be without them on another mount..

It's first time I've really bothered with filters, the red, blue, green didn't improve the view but the yellow the difference was obvious. To think I've had the things lying around for months (got them in a deal for a broken Dec motor! :)).

Ive got the new tripod coming tomorrow, next payday is the motors and dew shield to complete the setup.

I can't believe I can't do without the motors! My very first "proper" scope was an 8" Dob and I used to think nothing of nudging it as i tracked Jupiter at x300 mag!

I'm spoilt!! :)

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The thing about colored filters is, you have to know what you're seeing first, before they make a difference you can notice. This may sound funny, but it's true. I don't generally recommend them until you're very familiar with a planet's appearance without them. _Then_ try them out. They're designed to bring out specific details on specific planets. Orange and green for different bands on Jupiter, blue and red for clouds on Mars and shadows of volcanos, respectively. Give them a chance, but maybe later.

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Your probably right Astroman, the yellow was bringing out what are the more noticable features on Mars at this time (the Mares and ice cap), that probably why I was most impressed with it. I'll try the others when the disc is bigger (and higher) and showing more detail

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Great first review of the little Mak. It is a surprising performer on deepsky. And that is greatly enhanced by using a Celestron or Meade 0.63 focal reducer. The difference on M27 was very noticable. Well worth looking into the 2" kit and reducer.

I think a dew cap will greatly enhance the planetary experience. As you say it's never going to match the 127 refractor with it's 5" of clear aperature but it'll get close.

It's the shear compactness of the Skymax that makes it a real winner. And the focuser knocks spots of the standard focusers on the cheaper refractors and newts.

Rob uses the ETX125 dew shield. I think Telescope House do them for £14 or so. Better let Rob confirm that.



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I was very impressed with the few DSO's I did look at on Wednesday night, I think some of it maybe that you can still use the larger mm eyepieces and get high mags, makes it all very easy on the eye.

You're right about the focusser, it's very smooth with no slop or backlash. I've installed my 'fine focusser' attachment (a plastic clothes peg!) and it works great.

The 2" gear will have to wait I'm afraid, I'll get onto the dew shield though, at the moment I'm using the rollled up cardboard from a crate of Carling Black Label!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there. Yes I bought the ETX 125 flexi dew shield, and yes telescope house sell them @ under £15. + it should be free del with an internet order. I did however have to buy a strip of velcro to run inside along the factory stuck down strip, this made the fit a bit tighter, mind you if you had a dew zapper attached you may not need it.

The dew shield is also velvet lined and that increased contrast a little as well.


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