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Eyepiece Quality


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Managed to use my scope again tonight (yay), I couldn't see the moon tonight lol, However I found Jupiter (only see 3 of its moons tonight lol)

Anyway I don't seem to be able to focus too well, theres seems to be a blue tint around Jupiter, and no surface details at all..

Now I was told the EP's that game with the scope are pretty Rubbish, which I have ordered a Seban and Celestron?? also a Celestron 2x Barrow as the plastic one is apparently Rubbish..

Anyway I was just wondering really if you used better quality EP's, do you get a better quality image? Or is it because the scope is abit naff..

Of cause, it's probably me just being a noob!


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With the scope you have you'll always get that blue (purple, yelllow) haze around Jupiter, it's one of the "worst" targets for bringing this out in refractors, generally the higher the magnification you use the more pronounced it will be.


BTW Seben eyepieces have a better reputation than Seben scopes (faint praise admittedly).....they'll def. be better than the bundled ones you got with your scope.

It might be worth you checking here, when you're looking at new gear.


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Most likely its the eyepiece - mirrors do not act as prisms so cannot produce colour fringing.

That Celestron eyepiece on ebay is good for the money and better than what you have now.

Oops, Gaz beat me to it :D

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Phew, I thought for a moment I bought an even crappier piece of kit lol.

All these eyepieces and so on is dead confusing! Oh according to that website, my scope is good for deep sky observing.


EDIT: Cheers Steve, just bought it :D

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It might be worth you checking here, when you're looking at new gear.
Cool link cheers Gaz :D

Welcome to the forum kain.....get lots of useful advice here... they have helped me out enough now. Oh and don be afraid to ask "dumb" questions.....they dont laugh at yer. Well not that you can hear anyway :D

Just to jump on the wagon.....Got the 25 and 10mm ep's as supplied with my scope, are these actually worth selling (ie are they better than other supplied ep's) or should I just bin them/give them away. If they are worth flogging what price would you say ?

Many thanks

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Depends on what sort they are. Kellners are pretty useless tbh, plossls are always worthwhile keeping in the draw or giving away.

So whats the difference between the two mate? I haven't quite worked out what all these names mean?


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The quality of the image, the Field of View, the contrast, etc etc. As a rule the more you pay the more you get. Eyepieces go from £1 kelners to £500 naglers, do a google on Televue naglers and you'll see the best quality eyepieces in existence IMO. Some people have a whole set of naglers.

Plossls are the best quality/price compromise and as such are the most popular design. Others include orthos which are good for planets etc.

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Mine are Super plossls.....is there a difference or are all plossls "super".....if you see what i mean :?

Super Plossl usually refers to its having a wider than normal field-of-view (size of the circle seen thru the eyepiece - like looking thru a bigger porthole - shows more of the scene).

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