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Orion Optics

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Not sure where to post this but I just thought I'd give a big up to Orion Optics.

I've just been on their site to price up getting my mirrors recoated and I noticed they seem to have got rid of all the unrealistic, unachievable (especially visually) images of faint nebulas that manufacturers/retailers seem unable to resist splashing everywhere.

Well done Orion Optics! :)

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I hate all the false hubble pictures on websites and boxes.

Oh come on.. it's what got me into astronomy in the first place ! I thought I would see men on the moon when I fired up my 40mm tasco refractor. However, that was in the days of Space 1999 and UFO so we weren't to "savvy" as today's kids.

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The false pictures are what gets some people 'through the door' but lets face it how may time s have you shown someone something like m51 only for them to say 'is that it?' or read a post from someone on SGL wondering if that faint splogy thing the think they saw last night is due to a broken telescope!

When people observe for the first time, drawings are about the best guide to what they will see (but not my drawings!).

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Whether or not the hubble type images entice you, putting them next to a telescope you are selling is giving the buyer the impression that is what they'll see which is misleading and just plain wrong.

OOs new layout includes starcharts and maps and I think suits their brand really well emphasising the scientific precision of their instruments without misleading anyone.

PS Dear OO please look after my mirrors - see you in a week or so!

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I notice that OO seems to have dropped Vixen and they are now stocking Losmandy mounts and the HEQ6.

They've always had great optics, but it now looks as if they are finally doing something about their weaknesses in the mechanical components area.

Now if I can just win the lottery I could get a 16" ODK with a Losmandy Titan mount.


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