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Hi all

After a very helpful chat with FLO I have decided to go for the 8" SCT however still not sure in what form to buy it as a

http://firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=C8se or http://firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=c8sgtxlt the only reason being that I think the C8-SGT will give me more options in the future if I decide to get a another OTA be it refractor/reflector I will be ok with that particular mount any thoughts on that would be most helpful, And also is it much more difficult to set up and get aligned than the SE?

I have also read that the stock diagonals that come with the SCTs are not the best so if you have found a reasonable priced one that performs well please let me know

And have been told that a duel speed focuser upgrade is very worthwhile

from what I can make out there are 2 ways of going about this http://firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=WO_linear-power_focuser which I assume goes straight in the back of the SCT then focusing is then achieved by moving the eyepiece rather than the mirror and also http://starizona.com/acb/Feathertouch-SCT-MicroFocuser---Celestron-CPC-800NexStar-6SE-8SE-P2517C654.aspx which just replaces the original focuser

Is there any reason to chose one type over the other?

Any thoughts or advise on any of this would be most welcome

Thanks again


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I agree that the SGT will be more versatile. Yes, there is a learning curve involved in setting up and aligning a GEM mount but it is well worth it. You'll get lots of help and advice here on SGL.

As for the focusser, as I understand it, the standard focuser moves the mirror up and down the tube - the eyepiece being held in a fixed position. I have a C11 and I find the focuser quite unsatisfactory. The Starizona Feathertouch looks like it is a better version of the same thing (someone correct me if I'm wrong). The WO focusser will rack the eyepiece in and out - so, you roughly focus with the original focuser and then leave it alone, doing all subsequent focussing with the WO. If I were upgrading my C11, I'd go for the WO focuser.

I'm sure there will be other answers to your question from better informed members.


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I have both the SE mount and the CG5 mount. The CG5 is FAR more sturdy and is the one I'd take if I were buying again. It will do you for changing scopes and carry enough weight to start you on the road to astrophotography should you require. It is, however, bigger (and hence takes up more room indoors) and heavier than the SE mount and it also takes longer to align it in the night sky... but I think those downsides are worth it as the mount is far more stable.

As to replacement focusers, personally I'd go for the feathertouch one. It replaces the original and is far neater. It also adds less weight to the tube and means you only have a single focuser to worry about (you can't lock the one on the back of the SCT). Having said that, the advantage of the WO one is that you can remove it should you get another SCT at a later date (e.g. you upgrade to a 9.25 or 11...) In addition, you may want to buy a better diagonal - a good 2" diagonal really does make a difference to the stock one.

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Oh can I upset the old apple cart sorry, but if your cash can push to it look at the 9.25 and wait for the add ons. I had the opp to view through them both and what a difference, yes more cash but it always seem to be that way in this game. Theres some good deals to be had due to the edge OTA coming out sometime in Sept, FLO have some great deals, give them a bell. Read reviews on the 9.25 it does seem that there is a difference somewhere along the line but Celes does not say what. The optics were so better in the 9.25 and they were both comed ok.

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Thx Guys

Some really helpful advice there i think now my mind is made up :)

Oh can I upset the old apple cart sorry, but if your cash can push to it look at the 9.25 and wait for the add ons. I had the opp to view through them both and what a difference, yes more cash but it always seem to be that way in this game. Theres some good deals to be had due to the edge OTA coming out sometime in Sept, FLO have some great deals, give them a bell. Read reviews on the 9.25 it does seem that there is a difference somewhere along the line but Celes does not say what. The optics were so better in the 9.25 and they were both comed ok.

Would love to be able to go for the 9.25 ombos as have read great things about the optics on that particular scope but there is a huge jump in price where the 8" is just about £170 more than the 6" the 9.25" is almost £900 more than the 8" :D so as you say there must be a difference there somewhere other than just size of optics maybe it might be worth hanging a bit for the edge range and see if there are any price drops

Thx guys


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Hi Kev, this astronomy job really gets me going, we all buy a scope and then theres the endlessssss add ons and must haves and oh lets move on to the next mount etc etc lol. But what really get to me is viewing an object and thinking "if only I had the next one up" yes it must stop somewhere and without a doubt the 8" is a very nice scope, I have the little brother 6" and sometime I have more fun setting it up on a simple mount than getting the Tak out and all the other stuff. But I'm looking to upgrade and theres three scopes that have my attention:

the 9.25, the WO FLT 132 and the Tak Mewlon, yes all very different scopes with their own good and not so good points and yes they are alot of cash, well to me they are but I've been viewing for many years on and off (let me make it very clear that I'm a total novice and always will be) and I've thought about whats made me stop wanting going out there on cold nights in the past? Easy the viewing not worth it, why I'm trying to view objects that are out of the comfort zone of the scope I've had. So IMHO I would rather wait and get something that performs to a level that I require to get me out viewing. I'm starting to waffle so please bear with me, a good scope will always hold its money, yes you will loose some cash buts thats life, look in the for sale sections, you will see second hand 8" and this maybe the way to go if you want one now???? but I've never seen a 9.25" I'm not saying that there not been any for sale but they get snapped up by mates etc very quickly and yes witht he edge coming out old stock must go and who would buy a dare I say 'old type 9.25"' at this time when the Edge is coming out?? YES I would but what I'm trying to say is there will be some good deals. And if you get the 8" you will be very happy with it but you will be viewing something like M57 and think Ummm what if I had the 9.25"? and you can forget thinking if I had the 11" because from my LIMITED viewing through them both AND reading the reviews the 9.25 is on parr with it and one head to head review ( well have a look for yourself) this is only my view and of coarse what cash you are willing to spend is paramount. But enjoy which ever way you go.


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