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FRAGMENT C: The biggest piece of comet 73P/Schwassmann Wachmann 3 is not falling apart. Sturdy fragment C, for reasons unknown, resists crumbling. This makes it different from the other 40+ fragments of the dying comet. (continued below)


Above: Fragment C photographed on April 21st by Masa Nakamura of Otawara, Tochigi, Japan

Tonight is a good night to see fragment C. Point your telescope toward the double star zeta Herculis in the keystone of Hercules. Fragment C is passing by that star tonight, making it especially easy to find.


Source: www.Spaceweather.com

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You did indeed! Congratulations! I'll be out next time it is clear. The transparency was awful the last few nights, even though the humidity was relatively low, in the 40s. There's a warm front coming in, which probably won't improve things, and will give us a couple days of rain. Naturally, since my son just phoned me to tell me my scope has arrived...

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