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I was very surprized by early posts in favour of the 6inch SCT. I have a 4 inch Genesis and have had SCTs of 8 and 10 inches. The SCTs will show you a bit more of the faint fuzzies but they will remain faint fuzzies. If you accept that small telescopes will always be small telescopes then it ain't what they show, it's the way that they show it. And nothing but nothing beats Takahashi.

Tiny pinpoiint stars across the field against a dark background. Mmmmmmm.... And snap focus. And no dew. And that heirloom quality.

EPs. I do use a 35 Panoptic quite a lot in the Genesis. Stock 2 and the Double Cluster in the same field. The whole of the Cygnus loop with an O111 filter. The Pleiades with dark sky framing them. But I agree that it's a luxury.

When domestic harmony is again on a sound footing I strongly suggest a nice 13mm Ethos. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that!


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Taking the central obstruction into account the 6" SCT will be the same as a 114mm refractor in terms of planetary contrast.

The SCT will easily beat the Tak for light gathering.

The Tak will give a more pleasing view in terms of sharpness.

No collimation issues with the Tak and cool down will be faster.

The Tak will run out of fizz at about x240, the SCT should be good up to x300.

Tough choice, get the Tak and compare the two, keep the one you like the most.

This may help ....

Telescope Reviews: MP-101 loaner vs. TV-85 and 6" SCT

I'll throw in another thought here... taking our skies into account, max mag on an normal evening is around x200. I found my SCT used to wipe out on contrast and image quality at x220 even on a fair night. The TAK will be a dream for UK sky's


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