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Not just me that names globs wrong then :)

That really is a nice capture,the short subs really help with the exposure of the central core.

Mighty fine image you have there..



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Thanks for your kind words, I do appreciate it as when I look at some of the very good photos you guys manage I sometimes feel a bit reluctant to publish.

Publish and be "Dammed" - I do :)

Posting images and hopefully getting constructive criticism is one of the best ways of improving (allegedly) :D

Thats why I have always been a fan of "warts and all" posting of images... so people can see how the finished article has been produced...


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Well that's a beauty Adam and well worth the posting

The outer stars are beautifully presented. The problem with M13 is that the outer areas are much dimmer than the core so when you stretch the image the core gets burnt out. Using curves rather than levels helps but have a look at this routine which really does the business

Compositing 2 Different Exposures via Layer Masks

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