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Data combining

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You can stack all your master stacks into one ultimate stack, or load all your pre calibrated (pre calibrated with their respective calibration frames per session, unless you're using a script which allows fresh loading of lights and calibration frames for multiple sessions at once) lights together in one session and register+stack. The latter will be better as you can weigh/reject stack based on all the inputted data at once.

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If I gather data from a number of sessions using the same set up then I integrate them as individual subs rather than combine separate session integrations. I’m fortunate in having a permanent setup so I can use the same calibration frames for all of the sessions.


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I tend to do the same as @tomato but I also have a permanent setup so nothing is disturbed between sessions. I guess you could argue that the focus position changes between successive nights but tbh I have never noticed any evidence of it affecting the final image.  I'm also not swapping out filters so I guess that also simplifies things a  a lot as well. 


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I usually setup and breakdown so fresh flats every time, then next day or so I calibrate the lights, background extract each light then save them out.

Upon final integration I then load in all these pre calibrated lights, skip calibration as it's already been done, register and stack with rejection.

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Thanks for the replies team!

My set up is semi perm- pier and mount stay out, scope mounted for each session.

Novice question here now- what does the calibration involve?

My stacking work flow is DSS based- load lights, darks, flats and biases and then hit register at which time the software does its thing and hands me a final TIFF file.....

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Statistically it is better to make the entire stack of individual subs in a single run if you can match the flats and darks to their appropriate lights. However, I found it made little difference and I often just stacked the stacks. If satellite removal is a big deal there might be a worthwhile gain from stacking all individual subs in one go. Experiment rules.


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