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Troubleshooting new telescope

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Hello I am new to stargazing (and forums too). I’ve spent the last 7 hours trying to figure out how to use my telescope, it was a pain to put together but I think I did it correctly. It is a Essenwi Kepulsar EQ650130. I’ve watched bookoos of videos and tutorials but just not having any luck. The sight scope image is upside down and I am just not able to see/find any kind of object just simply looking through the eyepiece, it’s just black. Can anyone help or offer suggestions on what to read to troubleshoot? I am attaching pictures of it, maybe something is just not in the right place or something? Not sure what to do. I appreciate any help or advice given. Thanks so much 








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If you point the scope at a lamp for example, can you see the illumination in the eyepiece?

Regarding finder, if you're not using a corrected version you'll find they will be inverted. The view through the scope usually is too.

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Have you tried looking through it at a far off object during the day (obviously don't look anywhere near the sun or at a reflection of it)?

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Hello Ejw298 and welcome to the site.

As Elp said, look for something during the day, so first off try removing the eyepiece and look through the hole where the eyepiece fits. You should see something as it is now just a mirror reflection. You probably know this but the highest number eyepiece you have gives you the lowest magnification, so fit your highest number eyepiece into your telescope and try and focus. It looks like you have an extension piece fitted, if you cant focus with it in, try removing it and have another go. All the best let us know how you get on then we can get you onto the next step of aligning your finder.

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Remove the Barlow lens (the bit you have placed between the focuser and eyepiece).  Use just the 25 mm eyepiece inserted in daytime and focus on a distant object (NOT THE SUN!).  Then adjust the finder scope to 'see' the same object.  Everything will be upside down.  Then try it on the Moon.

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On 09/06/2024 at 02:00, Ejw298 said:

The sight scope image is upside down and I am just not able to see/find any kind of object just simply looking through the eyepiece, it’s just black.

Welcome. That is normal. As others have suggested, use your scope during the day and get to understand it better. It will also help you understand the position of the focuser where you are likely to achieve focus. Use your PL25mm eyepiece to do this. Once you are able to see objects, align the finder scope to the main scope. Good luck.

If you are still struggling, find a local astro club as they will be able to help you.

BTW: Your scope is similar to the Celestron Astromaster 130EQ so any videos that explain about this scope will be relevant to you too 🙂 

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