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CCDsharp with DSLR images?

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I've heard several people recommend using CCDsharp software for deconvolution of DSO images. My set up for DSO imaging is a Canon 1000D DSLR. I do my initial processing (flats, darks stacking etc) in Deepskystacker software. Try as I might, I can't work out how to convert the colour output from DSS into anything that CCDsharp can use.


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  • 3 months later...

I don't know if you ever resolved this but I'm tackling the same issue right now and got my image into ccdsharp from DSS via PixInsight LE by extracted the L layer and saving it as an unsigned 16bit fits (wihout the profile box ticked).


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Sam - thats great - I hadn't thought of that for those that don't have a fits proggy - good idea!

It does need to be mono for CCDSharp - so maybe the best way is to desaturate your image first, and then make a blend of deconvolved data and the desaturated data - use this as a luminance layer, with the original colour data - it should sharpen things up considerably,

Good luck!



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In PixInsight LE I split out just the Luminance layer, deconvolve that layer in ccdsharp then open that result in PixInsight LE and replace the original luminance layer with the deconvolved one - seems to give a pretty good result.:)


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  • 2 years later...

Came across this old thread trying to find out how to get an image from Deep Sky Stacker into CCDSharp.

PixInsight LE no longer seems to be available. The free Iris seems to work for me:

Iris software

Load the image from DSS into Iris, choose "Digital Photo / 48-bits to 16-bits", then save as a FITS file.

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Sorry, it doesn't look like Iris to CCDSharp works after all as described above. :)

Although the FITS file will load into CCDSharp, on closer inspection it looks clipped and missing data!

On the plus, Iris can do deconvolution directly. :icon_scratch:

Iris Deconvolution Tutorial here (to open the Console, in Iris you click the button shown below): Deconvolution


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