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A very short milky-way timelapse from North Cornwall and added Space debris? 1-5-25

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I watched the weather forecast on the net office and it offered clear skies for the early hours of 1-5-24. Brilliant I thought no moon, still dark and hoping to grab some milky-way core action. 

Sadly stubborn cloud stayed most of my session before I called it quits as the moon was starting to rise and Dawn breaking. 

Here is the best offer of a timelapse I can show and also a much shorter timelapse of said meteor like objects or I think space debris (as I posted in the what did you see tonight thread) taken over looking the Delabole Slate Quarry in our village. 

Hopefully I have a few frames I can stack and process as the milky-way was looking beautiful last night in the clear gaps. 

Taken with Canon 600D and Samyang 14mm f2.8 lens 13 sec exposures and created in windows timelapse maker. Better viewed by clicking and in landscape orientation. 

Hoping Friday night into Saturday early hours will be clear for some better milky-way core imaging. 

Clear skies




Edited by AstroNebulee
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Hi Lee,

Up until quite recently I cursed the clouds whenever they moved in on me :) I always thought they ruined a good timelapse until a few friends pointed out that a few clouds add even more interest and movement to the scene. I like the first video as you've three main points of movement ie, stars, distant low and bright cloud and the wispy stuff rolling through. I rate the video and would have liked to see a bit more if you still have it.

However, cloud can be a real nuisance if you intend to stack as it often ( Well it does for me ) ruins the photo. 

Loved the debris,


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8 hours ago, davew said:

Hi Lee,

Up until quite recently I cursed the clouds whenever they moved in on me :) I always thought they ruined a good timelapse until a few friends pointed out that a few clouds add even more interest and movement to the scene. I like the first video as you've three main points of movement ie, stars, distant low and bright cloud and the wispy stuff rolling through. I rate the video and would have liked to see a bit more if you still have it.

However, cloud can be a real nuisance if you intend to stack as it often ( Well it does for me ) ruins the photo. 

Loved the debris,


Hi Dave 

That's very kind of you to say, I'm pleased you like both the videos. Sadly I don't have anymore of that particular timelapse as I was trying to keep Scorpio in the frame, so I had to reframe the dslr at each occasion Scorpio was about to disappear. 

I agree that clouds make a timelapse too, giving more movement. Though the purpose of my session was to get frames to stack and because of the clouds I decided to keep firing away and hopefully make up a timelapse video. There maybe some usable subs to stack but I'm pinning all my hopes Fridays weather forecast is correct and can get the milky-way subs to stack. 

Thank you again and clear skies. 


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Completely agree with Dave - the best MW timelapses have some good cloud action in there too. These are great, Lee, and well done for getting up early to do them. 👏👏

Life has been more relaxed since I embraced a bit of cloud. Just don’t tell the deep sky imagers!!

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10 hours ago, clarkpm4242 said:

Could be a NOSS Triplet or similar, with favourable illumination nearing dawn and 'flaring'...

It could well be Paul. I've read up a bit on them and wasn't sure they'd get that bright even with flaring. In the video timelapse they appear almost as bright as some of the ISS passes. 

More investigation needed, I still like the space debris theory 😉

Clear skies 


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10 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Completely agree with Dave - the best MW timelapses have some good cloud action in there too. These are great, Lee, and well done for getting up early to do them. 👏👏

Life has been more relaxed since I embraced a bit of cloud. Just don’t tell the deep sky imagers!!

Thank you Paul, that is really very kind of you. I must admit too it's a little more relaxed now I don't do deep sky imaging and many more opportunities to get out and about with the dslr and watching the night sky. (just need no clouds on Saturday early hours) so let's hope for more early hours milky-way imaging soon. 

I hope you've been enjoying some journal opportunities. 

Clear skies 


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