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Romanian Star&Sky Lore

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To say this is rare is an understatement , this is up there with the "Human rights in the Aztec Empire" or "The Atlanteean Farmer Almanach" : a book about Romanian star and sky lore AND in english AND available on Amazon ! And lo and behold , also available as eBook ! 

Not affiliated with the authors , not involved with it's publication , but if something deserve the "hen's teeth" designation this is it Romanian Star & Sky Lore: Otescu, Ion, Gheorghe, Andrei Dorian, McBeath, Alastair: 9786069569139: Amazon.com: Books


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I have downloaded it in the UK to my kindle unlimited, I will report back.

Thank you for pointing this out, I love different cultures take on stars and star lore, so look forward to readin.

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@Alan White Did you like it? Sometimes old legends and stories are , well, let's say unscientific 😃 and I've found some people a tad disappointed that Romanian lore IS almost exclusively 'story' oriented . Somehow between the Romans, the Turks , the Tatars , the Rus , the Huns and so on and so forth coming to kill us , no real science was highly developed except those required for survival like food preservation ( like telemea cheese ) walls ( Murus Dacicus) and Uber stealth ( long standing joke about the host of Jabarkas the Terrible not finding a soul to kill , so they stopped to drink water , tied the horses from a great tree, and when he looked back his host horses disappeared , and a 'Thank you' note was pinned on the tree) and orientation ( the Milky Way wa named Calea Robilor - The Slave Road - because it was used for bearing  by the captured romanians running from slavery )

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It's something I never thought to ask my ex about. Lucy (Lucica) was from Romania. 

We did talk about birds and how the names were different. For example, our Swallow (Hirundo rustica) they call Hirundica.

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15 hours ago, Mr Spock said:

our Swallow (Hirundo rustica) they call Hirundica.

Truth be told we call it "rândunică" but maaan , I really have no ideea how to explain "â" and "ă" sounds. So many english speakers use "rindunica"  which is what also many children do . Still prety close to Latinm probably because those pesky Romans did ocupy a large part of Dacia and Latin was lingua franca long before the franks 😄 Simplest example : Latin - 'salutare' / Romanian - 'salut' / English - 'hello' ( or 'greetings' )  

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Her English was very good. She could speak on any topic, even science stuff. Sometimes her pronunciation was way off. For a while I was trying to understand when she said someone was 'trying to devil up' - I figured it out, it was actually develop! Originally she was from a small village in Transylvania.

I know it's shameful, but in ten years I never learned any Romanian :blush:

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I studied romanian as autodidact, I would like read this book in original language.

Hi @Bivanus, I think that 300 years of Ottoman domination weren’t a joke, for the science there weren’t the ideal conditions not at all!

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5 hours ago, Bivanus said:

Simplest example : Latin - 'salutare' / Romanian - 'salut' / English - 'hello' ( or 'greetings' )  

'Salutation' is an English word meaning a greeting, we did not escape the Latin influence.

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