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Centaurus A NGC5128 (New scope)


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Target: NGC5128 Centaurus A

Camera: Canon 350d modified Baader 2” Skyglow filter

Exposure Capture: DLSR Focus

Scope: GSO CF RC200

EFR: f/8

Mount: EQ6 Pro

Exposure Setting: Prime focus, ISO800 ICNR off Daylight WB

Exposures: 15 x 330s taken 4th May 2009

Seeing: waxing gibbous ¾ moon

Guiding: Orion Starshoot Autoguider using PHD

Focus: DSLR Focus

Stacking: DSS 5 x 330s darks plus flats, no bias applied

Processing: PS7 levels curves colour balance, Carboni Actions LP removal, Gradient Exterminator

Note: Collimation is not 100% and elongated stars may be due to focuser sag

Info: Situated in the Centaurus

Right Ascension 13 : 25.5 (h:m)

Declination -43 : 01 (deg:m)

Distance 15000.0 (kly)

Visual Brightness 7.0 (mag)

Apparent Dimension 18 x 14 (arc min)

Discovered by James Dunlop in 1826.

This galaxy is situated in the M83 group of galaxies. It is one of the most interesting and peculiar galaxies in the sky, and is a strong source of radio radiation (therefore the designation Centaurus A); it is actually the nearest radio galaxy. It is of intermediate type between elliptical and disk (spiral) galaxies: The main body has all characteristics of a large elliptical, but a pronounced dust belt is superimposed well over the center, forming a disk plane around this galaxy.

This galaxy seems to have "eaten" at least one larger spiral in the last few billion years. At present is not sure if this alone explains the unique appearance of this galaxy: It may well be that this is one of the rare "links" between "normal" ellipticals and "normal" disks.

In the radio part of the spectrum, Centaurus A exhibits two vast regions of radio emission, starting in prolongation of the polar axis of the disk of NGC 5128 and extending many hundreds of light years to each side.


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Another 'Southern Delight' Trevor :icon_rolleyes:;)

Some of which I look forward to seeing again, when I get back over to WA, later this year.

Was that taken from suburban Perth, or did you travel out of town for it?


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