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Ok I’m hooked

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Currently dying of the dreaded “Man Flu” so I was adamant I wasn’t going out regardless how clear the sky was. Well by 20:15 it had cleared up beautifully. Constellations popping out of the night sky. By 20:30 I was huffing and puffing the scope (SW 250p) into the garden from the outhouse . Low lying mist started to bug my chest by 21:40 so I called it a night but I had a cracking hour .

First stop an easy one Jupiter with the 24mm Baader Hyperion. Cracking! then I thought ok let’s see what it looks like with the Morpheus 12.5mm . Blew my mind!!  the longer I looked the more details I picked up. Then hopped over to pleiades ( actually preferred this in the 24mm ) but I did try both out. Next stop Orion and Orion’s nebula. 24mm was on to locate but once I found what I was looking for I went straight to the 12.5 and what a view it looked better than thought . The edges of the nebula really stood out ( I was expecting more of an indiscriminate smudge ) even the wife came out for a look. I must say I think I picked up more detail with the nebula at the edge of the lens rather than slap bang in the middle.

That moment I was hooked! I had a quick pan over to Ursa Majors mizar. Then found Cassiopeia to try and hunt out Andromeda. Unfortunately that direction is the city a few miles away, you can sure see the difference in the sky. So that’s a hunt for another night. I had a final look at Orion’s nebula. Checked out Sirius (that guys bright !!) then hauled the scope back in to shelter . It was a bit of a supermarket sweep of a first gazing session, but I couldn’t resist 😅

Not that I have anything to compare to but really happy with the kit / scope and lenses. The telrad is a bit hit and miss gets misted up fast I think 🤔

Edited by Moonlightbaker
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Lovely report. I have Telrads and I’m afraid I’ve moved on from them, for the very reason you mention: they fog up before anything else. A shame because when not fogged up, they’re superb. Baader SS V is what I use now.

Next up try M51 and M81/2 both in Ursa Major. They’ll be fabulous where you are in a 10”!

Cheers, Magnus 

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6 minutes ago, Captain Scarlet said:

Lovely report. I have Telrads and I’m afraid I’ve moved on from them, for the very reason you mention: they fog up before anything else. A shame because when not fogged up, they’re superb.

I used to have a tiny heater that stuck down underneath the glass and kept it clear. Just did a search and couldn’t find what I had, but did find this that looks quite handy.


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5 hours ago, Captain Scarlet said:

Lovely report. I have Telrads and I’m afraid I’ve moved on from them, for the very reason you mention: they fog up before anything else. A shame because when not fogged up, they’re superb. Baader SS V is what I use now.

Next up try M51 and M81/2 both in Ursa Major. They’ll be fabulous where you are in a 10”!

Cheers, Magnus 

Thanks for the tip ! I’ll try those next time . Living in the fens in the winter it’s often pretty damp round here to say the least. Im sure that doesn’t help my cause in the battle against dew 

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