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Pu-We 1 (Purgatofer-Weinberger 1), PN in Lynx, two versions


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I spotted this as a good target for later on in the night at this time of year. It's a very large PN at around 20' diameter, and one of the closest to us at around 1200 light years. It is faint though, and was only discovered from the Palomar Survey plates in 1980. Current equipment makes it very accessible though.

I also found that I had 48 minutes of exposures from two years ago, which I had totally forgotten about. Lots was added to this with the NBZ filter, totalling 7h 15', which I think is as much as I've ever shot on one panel. I also took about 50' worth of broadband exposures for the stars. Of course when processed, as ever with the RASA, a dusty backdrop appeared.  So here are two versions, one close-up - narrowband with RGB stars, and one wide field - broadband with enhanced narrowband for the PN.  

I've also attached an annotated version which highlights the various PGC galaxies as well Quasars from the "Million Quasars" catalog. I hadn't realised this had appeared in Pixinsight, and it's a bit of fun trawling around and looking these up. Only looked at a few, but the first couple I looked up were estimated at 8 and 10 billion light years distant!

RASA 11v2 on CEM120, ASI2400MC Pro, 217 x 120s (NBZ filter), 151 x 20s (no filter)


PuWe1 2401 NB RGBstars stretch crop.jpg

PuWe1 2401 RGB-NB stretch.jpg

PuWe1 Annotated.jpg

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Great image, not heard of this one before either. The same apparent size as the full Moon on some reports. It's well north so should be viewable for most of the year. 🙂


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5 hours ago, Fegato said:

as ever with the RASA, a dusty backdrop appeared.

Both are excellent Robin.  I really like the wider version with the dust.  You mention a bit washed out but only in comparison to the tighter crop, the compromise is a super back drop for the main object.

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