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astro-imaging and manual alt-az mounts...

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Hi everyone.

A few months ago I bought a ZWO-ASI camera via the astro-classifieds section and I would like to know if astro-imaging with manual alt-az mounts, ie AOK-AYO and/or Tele-Optic Giro, is possible? - my main interests are solar, lunar and planetary... maybe spectroscopy now or later.

I have seen YouTube tutorials with driven alt-az mounts, but none for manual alt-az mounts. As I live in apartment, (first floor), power is a no go and therefore I would use the camera and laptop, ie Panasonic ToughBook CF-19, therefore I am limited to the battery of the laptop for power.

tnx in adv.

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I use a AZT6 mount from Teleskop Express and a DSLR and a Zwo ASI 120MMS . It works as long as you are aware and accept the inherent limitations regarding exposure time. For planetary lucky imaging is a tad better. If you can live with the fact that NASA will most certainly not be interested in your takes and most likely your Youtube channel will not garner Astrobiscuit levels of traffic , you'll have lot of fun. Also , just a thought: did you thought of asking the ground level folks permission to plug in ? Explain why and you might have yourself a sidekick. 🧐

EDIT: Or get a battery power-pack. Depending on the size you can go from a couple of hours to a couple of sessions.

Edited by Bivanus
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For solar  system imaging you could get away with alt Az.  But a non tracking manual mount is going to present real problems of keeping the target in the FOV while you focus and take images.  

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They're is a member taking really super planetary images using a 10" manual dob they have worked out a process for manual tracking to getting reliable results (seeing conditions dependant) check out the planetary section

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with a ZWOASI astro camera you can use ASIPCAP mobile phone app to capture the planet as the planet drifts across the field of view and create the videos on your phone, then process later on the laptop, no external power supply would be required.

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3 hours ago, RT65CB-SWL said:

I will give the external power pack option some thought. Any recommendations?

Give some thought to the mount yow want to use. Make some calculations regarding the power consumption. Apply the good ol' 2.5x correction factor ( night,cold,gremlins) and see what you find to satisfy that.

Personal opinion , based on what I have had the chance to use : 5-7 Ah / tad to small and 24-36 Ah tad too large. I am curently looking for a 9-12 Ah solution too, for me it seems a sweet spot. I am using it for in-my-neighbourhood outings , probably similar to your situation , I am certain people who go To The Land Of Zero Bortle will use bigger sources, I just look at something for about 4 to 6 hoursthat would not brake my back...too much... 

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