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Stacking problem with Autstakkert!3


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Hi all

I have recently acquired a ZWO ASI 178MM and am getting a weird artifact when stacking using AS!3.

Visually, it looks like an interlaced image with horizontal lines across the image. At first glance it looks like it needs an unsharp mask

This is a snip from a Ha image taken today. I have had the same problem when imaging the moon. The issue becomes much worse when the image is processed using Registax v6.

Interestingly, stacking using Registax doesn't seem to cause the problem. Post processing, it's less visible (top image) but the lines are definitely there when I initially load the image into Registax. The wavelet and sharpening process really accentuates the problem.

Sorry if that is a bit jumbled, I hope you can see the problem.





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This is a mono camera?  I wonder if AS3 is trying to debayer it because it's not recognising it as a mono image?


When you load up the video in AS3 do you get this status square which is telling you the bayer pattern it's detecting? If so then it's likely miss-identifying your mono camera as a colour camera, you can go into the colour menu and set it to mono



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I didn't know that - thanks. However, this is what I get in AS!3..



The camera appears to be detected correctly in SharpCap




..and I can see that colour space is being detected automatically.



I could force greyscale but I don't think that would be the problem

I also don't seem to see the problem if I stack directly in Registax 6.. (I prefer using AS!3 as it seems to stack better and quicker).

I have no problems using my ASI224MC camera.

Any other thoughts please?







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Yes I do.

Thanks for the comment @Starflyer

I though use Firecapture as I am used to as I have been using it for years and am fairly new to Sharpcap, which I do like for my Player One cam.

I find for solar the AS2 is a little better than AS3 in my case,colour is set to autodetect in my case.

I sharpen using Imppg then PS but have been experimenting with PI and using blur x at low settings.

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