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Did China fake last years space walk?


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interesting, i think the clouds bit could be real (if everything else is/ was) as their movement is relative to the scaecraft so could be quite quick. the lighting and "bubbles2 are very interesting , especially as the "bubbles" always seem to go in the same direction, when i saw the first one i thought it would be debris from the cabin but everytime they seem to go the same way. and it's amazing how their images are clearer than NASA'a though obviously some images are always much clearer than others.

it'll be interesting to see what happens with this in the future, especially given that china had to come clean on how they used special effects to "improve" the olympics opening ceremony coverage

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China faked the space walk

America faked the moon landing

The Holocaust did not happen

Kennedy's assassination was staged

Elvis is alive and well in Alaska

Gordon Brown has only one nut

Plenty more, just google'n enjoy!

Did you watch the video in question? this one is a bit more believable that your sarky list above!

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Yes the flag looks ridiculous - they must have spring-loaded it so it would flap in free-fall. The "bubbles" just look like little bits of stuff to me - why they all fall like that, I don't know. Remember the craft isn't really in "zero gravity", it's falling round the earth. When you look at the US water tank footage there's bubbles everywhere - how did the Chinese manage to digitally remove thousands of bubbles and inadvertently leave a couple?

Clarity of pictures can't be taken as evidence of anything - the implication is that the Chinese couldn't possibly produce better picture/sound quality than the US or Russians.

On the other hand their regime is surely capable of a bit of trickery in the name of P.R.

But if they really did fake it, they've pulled off something about as impressive as the Olympics, and probably as expensive.

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Did you watch the video in question? this one is a bit more believable that your sarky list above!

Well, initially fox's documentary on the faked lunar landing was convincing, but was totally debunked later. Example, the waving flag on lunar surface was totally plausible due to vibrations from the support.

Please dont take offence at my sarky list, but these kind of conspiracy theories are easily debunked on objective analysis. They have a shelf life of a few months.

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Difficult to tell if this is faked. The belief that the "photo can't lie" has long gone, as everthing can be faked nowadays.

The "bubbles" do look suspicious, as do the clarity of pictures and the "Earth" backdrop.

With the "flag waving," would Newton's law of "everything having an equal and opposite reaction" where movement is concerned, apply in zero gravity?



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With the "flag waving," would Newton's law of "everything having an equal and opposite reaction" where movement is concerned, apply in zero gravity?

Yes they do, otherwise spacecraft engines wouldn't work in space. Its one of the things the Moon landing hoax claim get wrong.

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I'm with you Vincent, the same old conspiracy theorists slowing down footage and analysing five minutes of handpicked video with technobabble. Even while watching this video you can see one of the "bubbles" is rectangular and spins as it exits the hatch.

Watch it without the cowpoo drawing your attention to minutiae, and make your own mind up:

Chinese Shenzhou 7 Space Walk a Success, and Here's Proof! - Gizmodo Australia


PS Bad Astronomy has picked up on this one:

Did the Chinese fake their space walk? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

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