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paul mc c

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Does M27 look clipped in your individual subs? If so, then your exposures are too long, or the camera gain is too high. I assume you're using gain 100 where HCG kicks in. This is also unity gain as well, so that should be a good gain setting to use. If the subs are clipped at this gain setting then a shorter exposure would be beneficial, say 120 secs.


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I'd be surprised if 3 minutes was too long at F/7 or F/11...   not sure which scope you were using?  ..and as Alan says, would be useful to know Gain setting.

M27 is quite bright, but not so much that it easily blows out. However, if you try and get the outer areas to come out in stretching, the centre does tend to blow out, so careful use of masks is probably needed to achieve that. Can you post your un-processed integrated image?

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with my 533 (different make so not much help with the settings) but with an L-Enhanced on a 120ED F7.5, i did 60 seconds, and the centre was getting bright.  This one was made from around 90 subs (needs new flats etc)



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1 hour ago, Fegato said:

I'd be surprised if 3 minutes was too long at F/7 or F/11...   not sure which scope you were using?  ..and as Alan says, would be useful to know Gain setting.

M27 is quite bright, but not so much that it easily blows out. However, if you try and get the outer areas to come out in stretching, the centre does tend to blow out, so careful use of masks is probably needed to achieve that. Can you post your un-processed integrated image?

I was using the 102ed with 0.8 reducer,gain was 101.

This is the un-processed integrated image.


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No problem with that image - the bright parts of M27 are under 10% of the available exposure, so it's just a question of managing the stretch. I'll have a little go at it.


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lovely image...

Its a bright object, but provided you haven't saturated the exposures, which I doubt you have, you can control the core brightness when doing your levels and curves....masks are also useful when combining the faint stuff

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Very nice data actually! - here's my effort with it.  I use Pixinsight, so the main thing here was using range masks to control the bright parts of the nebula while stretching the dimmer areas. Also processed starless using StarXTerminator. 



m27 stretch.jpg

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4 minutes ago, Fegato said:

Very nice data actually! - here's my effort with it.  I use Pixinsight, so the main thing here was using range masks to control the bright parts of the nebula while stretching the dimmer areas. Also processed starless using StarXTerminator. 



m27 stretch.jpg

Brilliant...I am using APP, and gimp,will give it another go.

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