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Pleiades Occultation Series Starts Soon

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The six brightest stars of the Pleiades Cluster were last occulted (covered) by the Moon during 2005-2011. The next monthly series will commence on 2023 AUG 09 and end on 2029 AUG 04.

The long absence is due to the 18.6-year nodal cycle of the Moon’s orbital plane relative to the ecliptic (Earth’s orbital plane). The lunar orbital plane is inclined by 5.15˚ to the ecliptic, and the Pleiades are generally between about 4˚ and 4.5̊ north of the ecliptic. It is only during that period of the nodal cycle in which the northern portion of the lunar orbital plane is in the vicinity of the Pleiades that Pleiades occultations are possible.

As always, each occultation will only be observable in a specifically defined region. The initial and final portion of the series will only be visible by southern hemisphere observers. The long central portion will be seen by those of us in the north.

A night in which a number of Pleiades stars are successively occulted the Moon can produce a most enjoyable observing experience.

Your photos and descriptions of Pleiades occultations would be welcome additions to this thread.

Alcyone is the brightest of the Pleiades. Below is a chart I made of its occultation series.



Edited by CentaurZ
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1 hour ago, Space Hopper said:

Something to look out for......

Will this only be visible in the US or will it be happening here in the UK as well (ie above the clouds)  ?

As with all occultation series, each monthly event (or in this case grouping) will only be observable in a specific region of the world. Sometimes it will be US, sometimes UK, but most of the times elsewhere.

In the forum here for Observing-Lunar, I'll provide alerts shortly before Pleiades occultations occur for North America or the British Isles.

Edited by CentaurZ
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As I noted in my opening post, the initial portion of the series will only be seen by southern hemisphere observers. That means roughly the first year of the series. Perhaps I provided a heads-up a bit too soon for most members, but I believe there are some members from Australia and New Zealand.

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The first really good night of the series for Sydney, Australia observers will be during the early morning hours of 2023 OCT 31. They should be able to witness nighttime occultation immersions and emersions of Alcyone, Atlas and Merope.

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