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Venus UV May 23rd 2023

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Most stable seeing ive had but the cloud had other ideas! Only managed 6 mins in clearish sky at about 33 degrees. Wacked my knee on the OTA in my rush to get the shroud on before cloud closed in so not sure how thats effected collimation.


Ven_204746_lapl5_ap9 reg analy.png

Edited by Space Cowboy
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2 minutes ago, Grotemobile said:

Very good I see that the moon & Venus was very close together last night

Will have to get the scope out .  

Thanks yes the moon helped me spot Venus a bit earlier else I'd have been completely clouded out.

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1 hour ago, Kon said:

Fantastic details. How high was it? I have to miss some nice weather due to commitments but from 8pm I can image (although low for my liking).

Thanks Kostas it was about 33 degrees which is a personal best for me though I should have had my solar towel as the OLED screen was reflecting badly. At first I thought there was a new hideous face on Venus but then realized it was my reflection 😱

Waiting for a new laser collimator to be delivered so I can discover if I knocked the primary off kilter in my amazement at spotting Venus so early.

Weather is looking more cloudy this week than first forecast 🙄

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2 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Its always interesting getting a look at Venus cloud. Your doing good now. Getting into your stride. Yeah check that collimation, giving scopes a kick in not recommended 

Thanks Neil. Looks properly clear tonight so I'll give it another bash (Venus not the scope) 😉

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