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Hi all i am trying to image seturn with an imaging source coluor cam at 30f per second but when i try to alighn in registacks it alighns for so long then stops say unable to read avi frame?can anyone help.nige:o

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Make sure that the codec is set to Y800.

That caused me a few issues in opening the AVI's in Registax, but every now and then I still get the odd AVI that doesn't want to open.


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Hi no have not used through any other software but it seem to happen to alot of my avis i will find out what version of regi i am using+camera model number etc is any other settings important?I will try changing the codec and report back but thanks for advice so far i knew i could get good advice here!nige

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thanks all i seem to get errors at frame 3040 or there abouts still cant work out where i change codec in regi or ic captuer but i read on dmk site i need to select y800 for 60 frames ps ive looked at options in regi but cant find codec option ps thanks for link on regi sounds good thank you all going to bed now but will speak soon thank you all nige

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hi all been busy at work but you have all been great and helpful thanks trev regi 5 is brilliant,thanks dark night,ps ant how do i set codec to y8oo to get 60 fps is it in ic capture ive asked before but no answer if anyone else has any tips willing to learn,this is a great site and great people thanks all you rock!

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The Codec is changed before you capture the file. So it's in IC capture and BEFORE you click record.

Below is a screen shot taken during a Venus capture, the codec is on the second toolbar down in the middle (it's greyed out because the software is in the middle of a capture), set it to Y800(640x480).

Hope that helps.



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Hi ant thanks for clearing that up,i have another question if you dont mind,all of my images of saturn come out black a white at 30fps, i am using imaging source dbk21au04.as. Tried increasin saturation but just makes image seem darker ANY IDEAS?Nige

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