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Lunar Crescent from 23rd April

Roy Foreman

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Took a while to process this on as it was shot about an hour before sunset, so in daylight and through thin cloud and haze.  Didn't have high hopes for it.

Stacking and processing has taken much more effort than usual to get a decent dark background, but I think I've sort of cracked it !

Vital statistics :-

16" F/4.5 Reflector


Proplanet 807 IR filter

30% of 2000 frames at 19 fps  (that's flat out for the 183)

Processed in Autostakkert and Photoshop.

Three panes cover the lunar disc, but I've not bothered to stitch them together yet.


Thanks for looking and clear skies to all.






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27 minutes ago, StevieDvd said:

I think we need a 'Like very much' button now, for these.

Well, that is high praise indeed. So glad you are impressed, especially as it was daylight and thin cloud when the images were captured. Thank you !

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1 hour ago, astrolulu said:

Perfect for this difficult to photograph phase!

Thank you. Yes the very slim crescent is very evocative but as you rightly say so difficult to image. I choose daylight when it is higher in the sky, but getting the contrasts just right can be a real pain !

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