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Doubles in Gemini and Leo 24/04/2023

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Date              from 21:30 24/04/2023 to 00:30 25/04/23
Scope            Takahashi FC-100D
Eyepieces      30mm UFF x25, 13mm Nirvana x57, 7mm Nirvana x106, 4mm Nirvana x185, 2.5mm TOE x296
Conditions    Excellent seeing and average transparency - mag 4.0 in the direction of Leo
α Gem          Always spectacular, whatever the magnification. Splendid discs at x296
Σ 1119          Bright primary, faint secondary x185
Σ 1070          Tight, uneven pair x185
S 560           Very wide, very uneven pair with an orange primary x25
ARY 40        Wide, slightly uneven pair x25
ARY 41        Wide uneven pair x25 - same field as ARY40
κ Gem         Very bright orange primary and a very faint secondary. Seen at x106 but better at x185
Σ 1147         A tight, faint, but even pair x185
 γ Leo         Another old favourite. Lovely discs at x185
OΣ 215       Tight, even pair (1.5"). Good split at x185 but looked better at x296
COU 286    Tight, uneven pair at x185
Σ 1399       Very wide at x106. Lovely subtle orange and blue pair

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Nice report and a good haul of doubles 🙂

Last time I was out and about in that part of the sky I enjoyed Iota leonis (Σ 1536) below the lions belly. A tight uneven double that plays to the optical strengths of the Tak FC 100 and the TOE eyepieces.

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46 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

may I ask where you get ARY 40 and 41 from and CAU 286 I am always looking for alternative doubles thanks

Washington Double Star catalogue from Cartes du Ciel. In there I can make my own finder charts.


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