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Vixen ED103 vs WO FLT110 (or FLT98CF)

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I'm fed up with lugging my C11 around and to be honest with the British weather and the lack of time I have nowadays I want a very fast and light setup. So, I think I've narrowed my choice down to the following...

Vixen ED103

WO FLT-110



LX200 8" ACF

I'm more into visual astronomy but I do like to use my DSLR (Canon 400D) to take images of the moon and double stars (I'm not bothered about DSOs). I have an EQ6 mount but will probably sell to fund new setup. That will leave me with my CG-5 (motor driven but not GOTO). If I go for a refractor then I'll probably get either an WO EZTouch or Televue AltAz mount ( I don't really like GEM mounts as they take too long to set up properly - for me anyway).

So, please help me decide my next setup. Which scope would you buy and why?

Cheers, Steve.

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Of the scopes you listed I would go with the Vixen ED103 - great quality but expensive.

The WO 110 should be the obvious choice but I keep reading about QC issues.

One scope you did not list is the Equinox ED100 - at £820 it must be worth considering ??

You cannot beat the optical purity of a good refractor for visual.

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First choice in an APO in that size range would be an A&M TMB 105mm f/6 3" FT (only £4,500.00 !!!) but in a different class to Vixen and WO.

But getting back to the real world the FLT98 would be my choice of the refractors you've listed, better optically than the 110 and good value. I had a 110 and it was good, but lost out in a head to head comparison to an A&M 80mm.

The CPC 800 is a good reliable scope with a well proven OTA, highly recommended. Try to find an owner that has anything bad to say about it. But do check one out in person first, the CPC mount is bigger and heavier than you would expect.

I would stay away from a new Meade scope like the LX200 at the moment, at least until Meades future is decided, don't forget they're essentially trading as bankrupt and soon to be delisted from the stock exchange in the US. They've bet the company on the new ETX-LS, which if it isn't an immediate success will finish them off.


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I'm a fan of Vixen scopes - I own a Vixen ED102SS which was the forerunner of the ED103. My Vixen is F/6.5 wheras the ED103 is F/7.7. My scope is pretty well corrected for it's focal ratio so I imagine the ED103 is even better. The Vixen OTA's are very light - mine sits quite happily on a Vixen Porta Mount and forms a very portable combination.

TBH though If I had around £1K to spend on an apo refractor for visual use right now I'd be strongly considering Neil English's Tele Vue 102 which is on Astro Buy & Sell at the moment (sale pending unfortunately ) - every report I've read on them is incredibly positive.


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Thanks John, that's a good point re. the future of Meade and something I was not aware of.

I originally wanted a CPC 8" but I also own a Bresser Skylux NG (70mm) refractor (cheap but good Lidl scope) and too be honest I've really enjoyed the speed of setup and use that it provides over the long winded affair that I would have to go through for the C11 and EQ6, etc. This has led me to think one of the refractors I've listed would give me the most pleasure. At first I was sure I wanted the FLT-110 but the more I read about the FLT-98CF the more I prefer it over the FLT-110 (and of course it's very light being CF and very strong) . But this evening I looked up the Vixen which, I know have a great reputation, and my mind was changed again. Although, the Vixen is not a triple APO and Dweller's right, quite expensive (but not much more than the FLT-110).

I'm really looking forward to hearing everyone's opinions as to what would be the best out of the three.

Thanks for you advices so far...

Cheers, Steve

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