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My Sky


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It is minus 12C out and a crystal clear sky, I couldn’t help but take a quick phone image to the southwest where Orion looms over my neighbors house. This represents roughly a quarter of the area of sky I can see from my back garden. What are your skies like? I’m sure those of you who live well outside populated areas must have wonderful skies.


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I'm outside Chicago with heavy LP so my skies are probably similar to yours.  Here's a short tripod-mounted exposure of Orion from my back deck. This was taken last fall and dawn is coming on.


Ori resize.JPG

Edited by jjohnson3803
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2 hours ago, jjohnson3803 said:

I'm outside Chicago with heavy LP so my skies are probably similar to yours.  Here's a short tripod-mounted exposure of Orion from my back deck. This was taken last fall and dawn is coming on.


Ori resize.JPG

Nice image! funny how similar they are, you've got a corner of your house (top right) and the top of a neighbouring house just as in my image.

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3 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

A mobile phone image taken during Winter 2021. Light pollution. 🥺


North is worse. West even more so as the city centre is in that direction and east my house blocks the view. 🙄

Beautiful! Orion seems to be quite popular!

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6 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Beautiful! Orion seems to be quite popular!

Haha you're definitely a glass is half full person. 😉

Actually mid way through a clear night when sensible people are in bed, the sky at zenith provides enjoyment. Although I fear the light pollution is getting worse. Even during the four years I've had telescopes there's been a noticeable deterioration.

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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I dont remember the last time i saw skies that nice.  We have been clouds clouds and more clouds since late November.  Even tonight we have thin clouds which are messing everything up 

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6 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Bummer, it will clear up sooner or later, hopefully sooner.

It will be later.  Ohio gets cloudy in November and stays cloudy until April.  From April to June its not as cloudy.  Then in July things settle down and we have decent skies through October.  Usually August is the month with our clearest skies.  In my part of Ohio we have 60 or so days a year with clear skies.  Clear is defined as anything under 20 percent cloud cover.  Out of those 60 nights i might get to go out a third of them.  Its tough doing astronomy in Ohio. 

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3 hours ago, kev100 said:

I've got some sky glow to the south, and some neighbours bulkhead security lights to contend with, but the Bortle class 4 sky is pretty good here.


That is what i have except i have clouds too. 

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