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SGL 2022 Challenge 11 - Reflection Nebulosity


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We had some superb versions of the classic reflection nebulosity targets such as M45 and The Iris, along with some targets not usually associated with reflection nebulosity.  Whilst, as judges we try to find objective criteria it is inevitable that our individual aesthetic preferences come into play and this is quite right I think.  This does lead to a wide spread of votes.  If your image hasn't been chosen it is still probable that it was championed by one or more of our team!

1) Fegato - IC 2177 - The Seagull Nebula

Seagull 210120 reflection crop stretch.jpg

As Fegato explains in his supporting comments, this nebula is normally a narrow band imaging target.  This, however, is a broadband image and Fegato has homed in on the areas of reflection nebulosity.  The end result beautifully reveals the subtle nebulosity.

2) AMcD - NGC1333


A superbly executed image from a Bortle 5 sky.  The central brightness gives way to ever fainter blue.  It's rather like a lighthouse on a stormy night.  I could look at it for hours.

3) Snoani - The Witch Head Nebula


A classic reflection target.  This image ticks all the boxes, the reflection nebulosity is sympathetically rendered with subtle gradations of intensity. The stars are lovely with slightly soft edges and I love the way Rigel is partly shown.  This reveals the source of the reflected light without drawing attention away from the old lady.

A big thank you to everyone who posted entries.  It is well worth revisiting the thread, there an numerous outstanding images not mentioned here.



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