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Heads up - we are now having green lasers directed at us from orbit!

Leo S

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We are living in strange times. As astronomers we are effectively in the front line in the current conflict.

On January 28 this year astronomers at the Mount Kea observatory in Hawaii observed this:


It's thought that a Chinese spy satellite is to blame.

I suspect we may see similar over here, so I think it's not a bad idea that we should be aware of the possibility - so far I've not seen any mention of this anywhere, apart from the Cloudy Nights forum.

Edited by Leo S
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Laser measurements/scans from orbit to the surface (done 24/7) are normally done using none-visible wavelengths I think. Using different wavelengths returns differing information on specific features of the atmosphere/ground, but not sure what green returns.

A satellite would have to be quite high up to create almost parallel beams like that.

Edited by EarthLife
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13 minutes ago, Moonshed said:

what exactly is a green laser scan?

If a laser beam is directed towards objects, those objects reflect light back which can be picked up by sensors and analyzed to provide information on size/shape/distance. It's a good (if rather obvious) way of spying on your adversaries, but can also have legitimate applications such as accurately mapping terrain.  As far as I'm aware, in most cases this would be done using invisible wavelengths (as EarthLive suggested above). I'm not sure why they'd use green wavelengths, but perhaps because it recently (in the last decade or two) became easy/cheap to produce frequency doubled, diode pumped lasers that emit green wavelengths.

Edited by Leo S
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I had an odd experience the other night, I noticed a flashing light on the snowy ground around my set up. Looked everywhere for where it was coming from, then heard that drone noise to find a drone sitting 100m above me with a flashing aviation light. 

Absolute pain in the butt, it was stationary for several minutes and in line with my target which was almost overhead. I got out my high powered led lenser led torch in the end and gave it some photons, they got the message

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