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Eyepiece upgrade?


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If  Meade HD60 & Celestron X-Cel are same/similar would they perform any better for me visually than my Starguiders?  Perhaps the 7mms (6.5) may be an option for a slightly higher magnifiction.

Am I maybe needlessly trying to upgrade from what I already have and  should stick with what I am already happy with.

Perhaps I might be best getting rest of Starguiders  for using in my BV set up, this has been suggested previously.

Would Vixen SLV 9/10mms not really be much of an upgrade. 

Although I prefer twist up eye cups, would Nirvana 7/10mms as recommended previously be the most noticeable upgrade.

Thank you for all your advice.


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Try to work out what is wrong with your current eyepieces / collection. If nothing is wrong then stick with what you have and be happy with them. If there is a problem then find the eyepiece(s) that solves that specific problem, otherwise you are just buying new eyepieces for the sake of it.

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Due to not being able to get hold of ES52 10mm or ES62 9mm I've been enjoying using what I already have with my ES, Meade SP & Starguiders and really enjoying them. Lunar viewing with Binoviewer and Starguiders is fantastic. Perhaps another ep in this 52-60 fov is not really necessary for me. Maybe those ES eyepieces being unavailable have done me a favour. Maybe it's wider fov 10mm/7mm Nirvana that would offer me a slightly wider presentation that could be the better option for me when mono  or SVBony 8-3mm zoom. Not sure I would get much use from this Zoom?

Edited by stormioV
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On 11/02/2023 at 07:43, stormioV said:

Thank you for all your advice, it is really welcome.

I do like the idea of  StellaLyra 80 20mm . As my FL gap seems to be in 20-25mm for wider views, would Antares x1.6 Barlow be a worthwhile route? This would alter my 34mm to 21.25. This 34mm is my only 2inch ep. 

Yes, I do enjoy using Binoviewer on Moon and planets, I agree a 12mm or 15mm may be better for this. I have both BST Starguider 12mm&15mm (1of each) & Meade 4000 SP 12.4mm & 15mm (1 of each) Would my Meade Plossl perform any better in BV?  or as I know my Starguiders work well for me in BV , should I stick to them. I do enjoy using my Plossl and they perform great as a single ep. I think at the moment Plossl is slightly cheaper.

I don't always use BV when observing moon/planets, sometimes for quickness a few high power eps. I have had great success on different occasions with all my Plossl and Starguiders. 6.4mm, 8mm, 9.7mm, 12mms 12.4mm.  Without using a Barlow I could maybe have a gap at 7mm & 9mm. I was considering Orthos , but I think comfort is a big factor. Would a 7mm/9mm Celestron X-Cel  LX be a good choice for this?  If the X-Cel LX was a good choice maybe the could fill in at 12mm for BV?



I have the Orion branded version of the SL 20mm 80 degree.  It is probably my favorite eyepiece in my 10 inch F5 dob.  Nice and clear edge to edge. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for all your advice. Not being able to get ES eyepiece I wanted I decided to stick and double down on 12&15 mm Starguiders. I now have x2 in FL from 8mm -25 mm  for my Binoviewer. I also got 5mm & 3.2mm to complete this series. I may not get much use our of these yet?

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