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Pleiades star cluster

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Here is my take on a part of the Pleiades cluster M45. Image taken with my recently acquired SW130pds, ASI533mc pro on HEQ5 pro. Images captured in Ekos and processed in Siril. No flats or darks. Comments welcome


Edited by AstroMuni
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Funnily enough I posted a pic of M45 yesterday taken with my 150PDS and precessed in Siril.

I think yours is cropped a tad more than mine but I felt like Siril had made the diffraction sounds go a bit bananas and I'm wondering if it's had a similar effect for you.

You've done a great job at bringing out the nebulosity though, and I like the colours better then mine 👍

I feel like Siril also results in uneven backgrounds, lighter in some areas and darker in others - maybe to do with background extraction?

I can maybe see it a little in yours but not as stark, or I could be imagining it! 😂

So much to learn and such a long way to go with post processing - onwards & upwards! 👍

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18 hours ago, imakebeer said:

Funnily enough I posted a pic of M45 yesterday taken with my 150PDS and precessed in Siril.

I think yours is cropped a tad more than mine but I felt like Siril had made the diffraction sounds go a bit bananas and I'm wondering if it's had a similar effect for you.

You've done a great job at bringing out the nebulosity though, and I like the colours better then mine 👍

I feel like Siril also results in uneven backgrounds, lighter in some areas and darker in others - maybe to do with background extraction?

I can maybe see it a little in yours but not as stark, or I could be imagining it! 😂

So much to learn and such a long way to go with post processing - onwards & upwards! 👍

Your image is good 👍 perhaps if you reduce the black point and stretch using GHT you may get more nebulosity to show up. I have deliberately not increased the black point as the background sky is never really black and in this image there is a lot of nebulous matter out there in the background which would get obliterated.

The sensor on my ASI533 is obviously smaller than yours hence the cropped look.

Didnt understand what aspect of the diffraction spikes are being made worse by Siril. In my case I know that the vertical ones are spread out due to the vane being a bit bent. Its not easy to fix though 😞

Glad you like my choice of colours...I was debating whether to show off the electric blue and then decided to mute it a bit as that brings out the nebulosity too. Here is the electric blue version



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15 minutes ago, imakebeer said:

Umm... What's GHT? I mean, obviously I know, but just in case anyone else is reading 😉

Probably means GHS - GeneralisedHyperbolicStretch

Edit - just noticed you're using Siril and not PixInsight so I may be wrong....

Edited by scotty38
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