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First light for QHY5

Roy Batty

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This is my first foray into closeup lunar imaging, trying out how good my QHY5 guide cam is at this type of shot. I must say I'm well impressed with the camera's sensitivity and the degree of fine adjustment that you can get with exposure and gain.

Please be gentle with the comments, this is pretty much new ground for me, not even shure what the target is ;).

Details: QHY5 + 2Xbarlow, prime focus on C8N, 350 frames from a 1000 frame AVI, stacked in Registax4 - that's about it.




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Thanks for all your comments guys ;)

I've posted a couple more in the meantime from last night. I think conditions were better last night as well; not so much atmospheric boil visible on screen. Subsequently, alot more frames were accepted by registax from my relatively short 100 frame avi's.



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There are a couple of options for capture that I have seen.

HD Cap, but that seems to require removing all the drivers that are required by PHD guiding.

OR QGVideo, I am currently trying to get this working myself, but not having much luck!

With these softwares you should be capturing an AVI.

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From all I've heard, for the trouble it might cause you-stay away from HDcap

Keith can you recall the settings you used for those wonderful lunar shots ?


I've be using QGVideo-Beta for these shots. The wide shot was with an Exposure of 4 Ms and Gain of 0 %. For the barlowed closeup Exp = 10 Ms and Gain = 0 - 2% I think. These were both taken through my C8-N, which is a good light bucket, hence the low settings.

Whilst QGVideo's functionality seems pretty good it can be a bit flaky cleanly shutting down though, guess that's why its still a Beta.


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Also I see your image is 1024x768

Did you find that the optimum res to capture at?

Or did you crop/resize the full size frame?

Thanks Keith


For the image on this thread I think it was captured using 640X480 sub framing in QGVideo, just to make the AVI size manageable (1000 frame AVI), then I resized the final image just before saving it in Registax. For the other two images I've posted - these were at full chip resolution, but I limited the AVI to just 100 frames because of the file size. If disk space is not an issue I'd capture at full chip resolution, personally.


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