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Corrected plate

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There is some debate about whether (in the case of Celestron SCTs previously discussed here) the corrector needs to be matched to the primary (and secondary).  Perhaps earlier SCTs had individually figured and matched sets but the later ones don't, so that a replacement could work.

Somewhere in response to another thread here somebody gives details of a company that makes replacement SCT corrector plates in various sizes. 

And one hapless owner actually obtained a replacement corrector for a large SCT and was wondering how to get it fitted. (in the 'Whole setups' thread IIRC)

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I don't think the third party supplier of corrector plates for SCT's offer a 14".  A return to Meade is likely to be the only way forward.  Regarding the matching debate, I'm convinced that the only variation is the small secondary, it being the component best suited to figuring.  The procedure to produce the corrector plate almost guarantees that they will all be similar enough to be transferable, their optical effect, although essential, is very weak.  Similarly, it would not be practical to aspherise a spherical primary, departures from a sphere can open up a large can of optical worms.  I think it is far more likely that Celestron have a large selection of secondaries and if any matching is involved, this would be the component.  I also think that Celestron are reluctant to supply single correctors as they need some expertise to set the complete system up.  I made several SCT's in the past and watched at first hand the difficulty and time spent in producing the optical components from scratch in house and there is no way Celestron could afford the time at their price point.   🙂 

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