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Mars Opposes Sun while Full Moon Occults Mars - 2022 DEC 07-08


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Mars will reach opposition from the Sun during the night of December 07-08. At the same time, it will be occulted (covered) by the Full Moon for observers in portions of North America and Europe.

Photos and descriptions of Mars during its current apparition would be welcome additions to this thread. If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.


Below are 2 charts with data for observers in both Chicagoland and London.


Chicagoland data:



London Data:



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  • 4 weeks later...

This was a wonderful event. Despite my 20 odd years of observing, I've never seen an occultation of anything other than feeble stars. This time it was Mars at opposition, and I was bang in the middle of the occultation path.

Photos by phone, through the eyepiece.







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I saw them closing last night in gaps through thick cloud. The cloud was no better this morning. I would have gone out and set up anyway hoping for a gap, but it was drizzling so impossible. Nice captures all!

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Thankfully the clouds stayed away for me. But I had to observe from upstairs indoors in order to see it. Not ideal, but I still haven't found a decent observing spot away from home.

Viewing from inner city Birmingham.

Viewed the approach and onset in the 4 inch Mak. Mostly at 50x because I was showing a family member the view, they observe with glasses, and I have a bunch of Plossls. I did get some looks at Mars at higher power and albedo features were visible in the south, but a serious effort on Mars will have to be another night, I have already had some good views this season. Moon looked great, the variation in tone of the maria was apparent, Tycho Copernicus and Eratosthenes very obvious and many smaller bright craters too.

At 04:46 and again 04:50 I was able to see Mars with the naked eye by blocking my view of the Moon. I watched Mars recede behind the Moon in the scope at 04:58. I'll have to try and do proper second-precise timings next time there's a planetary occultation.

My view of the reappearance was limited to using 8x40 binoculars. I conclusively spotted Mars at 05:58, and a minute or two after I felt I could see clear separation between the Moon and the planet.

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i saw Mars going behing the moon using 10x50 binoculars.  I only went out in to the back garden beause I woke up very early. This was unplanned as I had to go to work afterwards. It was very interesting to see. I am really glad I saw it, as I  have never seen this before  and don't know if I will see it agsin!

Hopefully over the weekend I will get a proper look at Mars with my 6 inch Mak, I have not had a good view of it as yet this year.

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1 hour ago, dark star said:

i saw Mars going behing the moon using 10x50 binoculars.  I only went out in to the back garden beause I woke up very early. This was unplanned as I had to go to work afterwards. It was very interesting to see. I am really glad I saw it, as I  have never seen this before  and don't know if I will see it agsin!

Hopefully over the weekend I will get a proper look at Mars with my 6 inch Mak, I have not had a good view of it as yet this year.

Some years back 1/12/2008 there was an early evening one between crescent moon and Venus, clouds got in the way of that one.

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