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According to the Met,  and other forecasts, many of us will have a largely clear night.  At 3am, on 4th, Orion will be on the CM, with the Orion Nebula at 30 degrees altitude. 

Mars will be almost directly above it at 60 degrees altitude so we have a reasonable chance of good seeing.   At  m - 1.3 and being 15.4" it will be a wonderful sight with Orion below it and the other Winter constellations.

At 2.11am the GRS will be on the CM of Jupiter. though it will be at a lowly 8 degrees low in the W.

The Moon sets not long after midnight, so for deep sky it should be a great night.

Screen shots below from SkySafari, the Mars view is inverted  - I'll be using my dob 😊.









Edited by paulastro
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The forecast across three apps tell me Liverpool will be cloud free all night starting from between 11:00pm to midnight. Therefore I shall be havin' a kip early, setting the alarm for around 10.30pm and erecting the AVX for a good session because tomorrow I have annual leave. Whoop!

Good luck all. 🧐😀

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2 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

The forecast across three apps tell me Liverpool will be cloud free all night starting from between 11:00pm to midnight. Therefore I shall be havin' a kip early, setting the alarm for around 10.30pm and erecting the AVX for a good session because tomorrow I have annual leave. Whoop!

Good luck all. 🧐😀

Thanks, it could be a cracking night, good look to everyone 👍.

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28 minutes ago, cajen2 said:

Just had lightning and a torrential downpour here - near Bristol - so it needs to improve quickly!

Just checked the Met cloud down your way, and it indicates it will be clearing from around 2am, certainly clear by 3am - just in time to see Orion and Mars at their best 😊.  Then clear till daybreak.

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It's likely to be very humid tonight. This is my take on things, a line from the Wash across to Liverpool, South of that line there will be clear spells, but some heavy showers for Wales, South west England and across to London.

North of that line it should be clearer, particularly in north east England, and most of Scotland. 

Ireland looks mostly clear 



Edited by scotty1
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ÑThis is the latest Met forecast for 3am.  Up here, I'm in the larger blue circle, it was not forecast to be clear up here until 11pm, but its looking possible it may be.  I don't intend to start observing till 23.00/ 00.00  anyway. 




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Although the sky is "clear", humidity is very high here. Observing Mars is literally like looking through water... Added to that, the water droplets accentuate the light pollution so the sky is very bright. I've consoled myself with this season's first look at Orion. That's one target that never fails to impress. I'm just having a warm and going back out for a bit.


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