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2” Clicklock help

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I’m finding that the Tak collet towards the 76DCU OTA is starting to annoy me a little when I change over to WL prism so I’d like to replace it with a 2” clicklock (replacing part C). All my prisms are 1.25” though so can’t quite work out what adapter I need between the clicklock and the prism. Not sure if the clicklock reducer is overkill or what it will do to focus travel. Can anyone suggest the part(s) I’d need (with links if possible 😅). I can pay you in likes and thanks. 





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Here is what I do for native WO Binoviewing on the 100DC - smallest light path I can get; not sure if it is what you are after!

I think the 100DC has the same draw tube thread as the 76DCU - best to check.





Edited by MalcolmM
Clarifying the pic is what I do on the 100DC, not the 76DCU
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6 minutes ago, MalcolmM said:

Here is what I do for native WO Binoviewing - smallest light path I can get; not sure if it is what you are after!

I think the 100DC has the same draw tube thread as the 76DCU - best to check.





Brilliant! This is exactly what I wanted. Does this configuration work for single XWs and TOEs too?

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Not on the 100DC.

The problem is the light path is now far too short. In order to get the single eyepieces to focus I would need to add roughly 100mm extension.

For the 76, you would be replacing (I assume) the bits in red in the pic with the two Baader parts.

I'm guessing the light path will be reduced a bit and so you might need to add a bit of an extension.

I'll try and do an experiment today and see if it works on the 76. I don't think I have tried that combination before with mono mode on the 76.

I'll get back to you later,




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5 minutes ago, MalcolmM said:

Not on the 100DC.

The problem is the light path is now far too short. In order to get the single eyepieces to focus I would need to add roughly 100mm extension.

For the 76, you would be replacing (I assume) the bits in red in the pic with the two Baader parts.

I'm guessing the light path will be reduced a bit and so you might need to add a bit of an extension.

I'll try and do an experiment today and see if it works on the 76. I don't think I have tried that combination before with mono mode on the 76.

I'll get back to you later,




Awesome, thank you. I guess the other option would be to replace part 46 on the Tak chart with just the reducer clicklock, as it’s the collet in particular that is causing the issue so hopefully the light path wouldn’t shorten as much.

Although if I could get it working with BVs and a clicklock configuration that would kill two birds with one stone!

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9 minutes ago, IB20 said:

Awesome, thank you. I guess the other option would be to replace part 46 on the Tak chart with just the reducer clicklock, as it’s the collet in particular that is causing the issue so hopefully the light path wouldn’t shorten as much.

Although if I could get it working with BVs and a clicklock configuration that would kill two birds with one stone!

OK, so I have tried it out on as distant an object as I can see from my house. It's about one mile away, so not at infinity like stars and planets, but probably as good as.

Unfortunately the light path is slightly too short with the Tak prism. To achieve focus I need to rack the focuser right out and then pull the diagonal out a little bit (about 5 or 6mm) - see pic. I have attached the 2" Clicklock to component 81 in the system chart.

However, the Baader prism has a slightly longer light path and I can get it to focus so in summary: system chart component 81 + 2" clicklock + 2" to 1.25" clicklock adapter + Baader prism + TOE/XW should come to focus.

The Baader prism is https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/baader-t-2-prism-star-diagonal-32mm.html + https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/baader-nosepiece-125-t2.html + https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-click-lock-125-inch-eyepiece-adapter-with-t-2-thread.html

I hope this makes sense!

I know the Tak label says FS60Q but I have the 76 objective module attached (and no Q extender) which is in effect a 76DCU.



Binoviewers is another question 🙂

The Stella Lyra Linear ones from FLO will come to focus if an eyepiece comes to focus but I was not very impressed with them. They did not give nearly as good a view as the WO ones. The WO ones typically need a GPC in order to bring them to focus. See pic for the WO on the 76DCU. I have a 1.6x GPC attached to the OTA side of the diagonal. Now this does not fit on the Tak diagonal due to thread sizes so I have to use a Baader diagonal! I spent quite a bit of time (and money 🙂) figuring out how to work with Binoviewers! It was an even bigger faff trying to get them to work without a GPC on the 100DC. I wanted to do this in order to get as wide a field of view as possible. But I gotta say it was worth it. 100DC + WO Binoviewers native + 28mm Tak Erfles and I can very nicely frame the Pleiades and also the double cluster and they really do look stunning - almost 3D like!

Apologies - that's probably much more info than you want or need but I spent so long messing with Binoviewers trying to get them to focus I like to talk about it 🙂




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@MalcolmM thanks, this is super helpful. I knew it wasn’t going to be very straight forward, it never is! I really like the Tak prism and not sure I can stretch to swapping over at this point in time. Hmmm, there must be a way to get this to work (no one one say change to a feathertouch focuser! 🤣)

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1 minute ago, IB20 said:

@MalcolmM thanks, this is super helpful. I knew it wasn’t going to be very straight forward, it never is! I really like the Tak prism and not sure I can stretch to swapping over at this point in time. Hmmm, there must be a way to get this to work (no one one say change to a feathertouch focuser! 🤣)

You could try browsing the Baader accessories! They have so many there might be one you could get that would provide a small extension!


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58 minutes ago, IB20 said:

Looked at the full Baader clicklock range and other extensions and still none the wiser. Thread sizes just don’t really keep my interest 😅. I think this is a retailer question at this point, maybe @FLO could help?

I wonder could you put two component 81's together? The threads are compatible. That would give you an extra 10mm or so light path. Just not sure if you can source them.


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The Baader 2"-1.25" clicklock reducer has a T2 thread as well as M48 for filters. If you only need a small extension you could screw the T2 2" nose (get the safety kerf one!) directly to it. If you need any more extension you could then fit T2 extensions between the Clicklock reducer and the T2 nose. 

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  • 1 month later...

So with some help from the knowledgable team at @FLO and super helpful diagram from @MalcolmM i have been able to get it sorted. There were 2 eventual options, an M56 camera adaptor and M56i clicklock or a Tak reducer, extension and M54 clicklock. Neither particularly cheap but I went with the former for aesthetics but also binoviewer potential. 

With the adaptor in place cyclops XWs and TOEs come to focus readily with focus travel either side which is a huge relief! Still to try the BVs but will try both natively and with GPC. 


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  • 1 month later...

Now the sun is starting to peep over my southern views, I’ve been able to enjoy some very pleasant WL solar observing. It is now a joy and so easy to change prisms with the new set up and I no longer have to wrestle with the Tak collet. I love it!

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